Compromise (*)

Hu… Hu…

Wuxing breathed hurriedly as he fell on Scarlet's body, finishing their act just a moment ago. She didn't hesitate and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him closer. Her legs were not any different, coiling around his back like a snake. 

"I love you," Scarlet whispered lovingly, leaving kisses on his ear. "Please, let's stay like this for a moment…" 

Wuxing was still inside her, pulsing and twitching but he wanted to talk with her. The situation was too complicated to just leave it alone. 

"Scarlet…" Wuxing muttered her name as he lifted himself up on his forearms, forcing himself up. 

Too bad, Scarlet was too stubborn to just let go. 

"No! I want to cuddle more!" Scarlet called out, squeezing his neck as her body followed him, hovering above the bed as if she was a monkey. Eventually, he managed to sit up with Scarlet glued to his chest.