Chapter Part IV :- Preparing for battle

in previous chapter of story we told all of you that naiko means Yoshida nakata get in fight with a girl. that girl name is miho. after being insulted by naiko. miho decided to get her revenge from naiko to harm her outside from Academy. so miho make plan for naiko. how to take her outside of Academy. so miho used her dirty mind and being faked friend with naiko. naiko already understand of miho's intentions so naiko let miho to do these type of thing what she planned for her to harm. because naiko confident on her magic power that she can handle it all herself. after according miho's plan naiko came outside from Academy with miho when miho tried to harm naiko. but naiko use time stopping magic (time stopping magic isn't easy magic spell it's one of most hardest magic spell only powerful magic users can able to use that spell) after naiko put miho on herself place by using time stopping magic spell and put miho in her made every trap that harm miho. after miho get injured by her own made traps and after naiko give last warning to miho not to crosse line. if you trying again to harm me i will kill you. after miho tariffed from naiko's warning after miss saiko called all of genius class student to came in hall of Academy for to take them to magic tournament. there four student chosen by miss saiko to participate in tournament in these four students one of naiko and david also and other two students name Ori and lipa. who participating with both of them in magic tournament. magic tournament gonna begins in next four weeks. and those four weeks given by tournament judges to students to make themselves to prepare for tournament battles.