Chapter Part V :- Training With Fiancee

in Previous chapter of story naiko means Yoshida nakata get selected by miss saiko for to participate in magic tournament. but naiko have no idea what to do in magic tournament.

so naiko means Yoshida nakata decided to meet David to ask about magic tournament. after meeting David naiko understand what is magic tournament. magic tournament judged by powerful wizards. and who won magic tournament that person get chance to study with powerful wizards. and David also told about to naiko that in magic tournament every person have to face four people if person able to defeat all of four then that person go against with the other person who defeat four persons like them. and after between battle of these powerful student Wizards who can able to stand in the end of the day all alone. that student wizard won the magic tournament. after in price that student wizard get magic enchantment from powerful Wizards as a prize for to win magic tournament. after understand it all naiko means Yoshida nakata thanked to David for to help her/him. after when naiko take her leave from David when David caught naiko's hand and huge her and give kiss again on head of naiko. and after started to say to naiko i don't want to see you get hurt in magic tournament. i love you. don't participate in magic tournament but in reply Yoshida nakata means naiko caught David's hand and started to say to David that she will not give up she will do her best to win magic tournament and trying to be capable for him. after david again huge naiko and stated to smile at her. and replied okey be careful in magic tournament if anything happen to you i can't able to forgive myself. and after naiko replied to David yeah! i will be careful. after David asked to naiko about her magic attribute then naiko replied that principal said to her that she can able to use any kind of magic. David surprised again by naiko. in reply David said to naiko that you are not that old one naiko i like naiko which is with me. stay forever with me with your smile naiko. i will protect you in my whole life by my life. Yoshida nakata started to feel little bit guilty on it because he isn't naiko but now he is the naiko so Yoshida nakata completely accept the body and name and identity which given by god. and replied to David i will always stay on your side. in any situation. David and naiko huge each other too tightly. after a while naiko push away to david because she embrasured from David because David is a boy. and she is a girl. David started to laugh at her. in reply naiko replied David, david is a big foool! and run away from David. after David get back to his boy hotel room and forget himself for a while into dreams of naiko. after naiko came back to david in david's boy hotel room. she give kiss in thanks to David. David and naiko get embarrassed again. after naiko taking her leave from David's room. after David and naiko came out in garden of Academy where naiko and David started their magic training for upcoming magic tournament.