Chapter Part VI :- Battle Begins!

in previous chapter of story that we told all of you about that naiko means Yoshida nakata meet with David and get some of information of magic tournament. and after David and naiko started to training in garden (ground) of magic academy. after miss saiko and principal came to meet naiko for to cheer up because she is the hope of Academy this year to get magic enchantment and reputation of magic Academy back. after naiko thank to miss saiko and principal for to cheer her/him up. after the day of magic tournament naiko came up with her whole strategy and power to face off other participants in magic tournament.

first round begins :- naiko V/S Miho when naiko heard about that miho when naiko little bit surprised because miho learning magic in the same Academy then why she can participant from rival team. then miss saiko also obligate on the matter related about miho.

miss saiko asked to judges how can she battle into magic tournament when we didn't given her name for to participate in magic tournament. but how can she battle in magic tournament. when judges answer the question of miss saiko that she left to magic Academy and she battling from the other magic Academy. then naiko said miss saiko stop arguing of this nonsense i can handle her myself. then miss saiko accept the challenge of other magic Academy. in first round naiko use her time stopping magic and completely harmed miho in seconds and won first round in seconds after to see that kind of magic power naiko have powerful Wizards started to praising her.

after in second round naiko battling against from most powerful magic user of other magic Academy. but that guy also can't stand a chance after all she have ultimate magic power after to see all of that other magic Academy accept of their self defeat and after powerful wizards give the prize to naiko that magic enchantment is a red dragon sword magic enchantment came self to the chosen person that means enchantment chose their partner. partner can't chose magic enchantment. magic enchantment also based on the power of their owner if owner is week then owner get week enchantment. and if owner is powerful so they get powerful enchantment and naiko get powerful enchantment. the red dragon sword in prize to win magic tournament. after david and naiko came out from Academy back to in garden there David congratulate her for her success after naiko means Yoshida nakata decided to go back palace. because vacations came and magic Academy classed for week. so naiko decided to enjoy these days on beach with david.