The Moments You Are Here With Me

Through the help and influence of Hayri, Allie was able to secure long term contracts with all the shipyard companies of the country. However, another problem arose. She could no longer manage it by herself since her priority was still with Gretel Shipping Lines. She did not expect that her supposed side business of being a sales agent of marine supplies became her source of skyrocketing income.

While sitting down on her coffee table by the floor-to-ceiling glass window of her bedroom, she came up with the plan of hiring someone to help her run her business. She didn't want to mar her loyalty with Gretel Shipping Lines because this was the company which gave her those great opportunities. She was the type of person who was willing to die for anyone she owed a debt of gratitude.

As she ran her mouse on her financial report, her face glowed up when the name of the first company which trusted her, caught her eyes.

Cherry Perez

Marketing Officer


Tuzla, Istanbul

She hurriedly sent her a message through email and they agreed to meet on a tea garden closer to Cherry's home. It was still six in the evening and an hour or two of talking to Cherry, perhaps, wouldn't be a problem to Hayri. She changed into a tight -fitting denim jeans and sleeveless top. Looking at herself into a full -length mirror, she realized she was too plain. She then applied a what she considered as a light makeup but how those light touches she painted herself accentuated her beauty, surprised even herself. Highly satisfied with her appearance, she smiled to herself then grabbed a jacket before knocking at Hayri's room.

"Come in, my love. "

Hayri was browsing on his PC when Allie walked in. When he glanced up, he saw that she was already fully dressed up with her unusually high - heeled wedges. What surprised him even more was the sophisticated appearance she made herself that night. He was used to her plain, natural beauty where she didn't even care to apply a light lip shade during working hours.

He stared at her before speaking up but Allie spoke up first.

"Hayri, I will be seeing Miss Cherry in Red Apple Tea Garden. I will prepare your dinner before I'll go. " Mesmerized by her beauty, Hayri was tounge -tied.

As she turned her back and about to close the door, Hayri recomposed himself and caught her up. He pinned her to the door and hovered over her.

"Let me take you there. " He said, his eyes burning into her wide and gentle eyes.

"But I don't want to keep you waiting. I don't also want to get distracted just because you are there. "

"I will not disturb you. I will be working on my assignments on a separate table. "

"Hayri..." She sighed in surrender to his demand and looked down but before she knew it, Hayri bent over and kissed her hungrily on the lips.

Startled and caught offguard, she froze for a moment and was not able to react. When finally Hayri released her, a tear escaped from her eyes. Hayri saw it and was instantly gripped with guilt. He hurriedly pulled her into his embrace and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Zheen. You know that I love you and watching you like that is such a temptation. "

Allie's tears turned into a sob. She cried, not because she hated Hayri, but because she was guilty. All throughout the special treatments that Hayri gave her, no heart would be hard enough to resist it.

"You really hate me that much. "

Hayri said sorrowfully and his eyes instantly turned red.

"I don't hate you, Hayri. No woman would ever hate the way she is worshipped and placed into a pedestal. But I don't want you to get hurt and frustrated in the end when the time will come that you will know who I am. " She partially confessed between her sobs.

"And besides, I cannot give you my heart because I am already commited to someone else. "

Hayri was caught dumbfounded with her figurative statement.Why did she say that? Was she his father's mistress? He shuddered at the thought...

"Tell me everything, Zheena. "

"I will, Hayri, but not now. "

To force her into the edge was never right at the moment. It would only make her place a rift between them. If she was one his father's mistresses, he couldn't care less. He had learned to love her more each day and that special affection was more than enough to cover up whatever flaws she may had. His dad's involvement with young women was not a secret to him and he understood. And besides, his dad respected him to the point that he never showed them to him nor brought them under their roof behind his back.

"No need to tell me who you are as long as you're within my sight every minute of my life. "

"As I said, I cannot promise that. "

She tried to argue, not wanting to give him a false hope.

"What is more important is the present, the moments that you are here with me. " The sting this statement gave her was more lethal than her own fear.


Allie conceded to the demand of Hayri to take her to the place where she would be seeing Cherry. He opened the door for her but true to his words, he did not follow right away. But when Allie made orders, she included separate items for Hayri to be served at the table she reserved for him.

She saw Cherry sitting down on a corner the moment she walked in to the cafe. She waved a hand to acknowledge her presence but she went directly to the counter instead to make her orders for the three of them.

"Miss Kiamko..." Cherry smiled and extended a hand to shake up with her.

"Miss Cherry, would you mind if I suggest that we call each other by our first names? "

Cherry responded happily. "That would be better. "

"Okay, then. " She said as she gestured for both of them to sit down.

After having seated comfortably, Allie initiated the conversation.

"Miss Cherry, how long have you been working at Dreams? "

"Less than a year. "

"Do you have side businesses? "

"None. "

"Che, I'm inviting you because I have a favor to ask. I can no longer manage my responsibilities to my clients because I am also working and studying at the same time. If you can give me some of your free times, I would be very happy if you will help me manage my orders. "

To Allie's amazement, Cherry's eyes lit up. "That is such a good news because I have already tendered my resignation. "

"Really? Why? " Allie regretted her questioning the moment she said it. She felt she was already intruding into her privacy.

Cherry chuckled out slowly.

" Honestly, I am avoiding someone. "

Zheena was taken aback. It seemed she could relate the feelings.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.. "

Cherry just shrugged her shoulders,instead, and laughed.

"Zheena, when will I start? "