Is She Your Wife?

Through the management of Cherry, Allie was able to focus on her work and study. Cherry, on the other hand, was able to expand by herself even with less assistance from Allie. To have a better working environment, they decided to rent a place for their office. They had also hired few office personnel when the workload became more than what Cherry could handle.

Just when their clients increased and their orders multiplied in heaps, a shocking news by the administration department of Rough Seas shook them. The company was having internal problems and it seemed too complicated that they would no longer be able to provide their orders. When asked how long would the problem be addressed, they were only replied with a saddening news that it looked like beyond redemption.

Hayri noticed her troubled expression during their dinner. Her silence was unusual as she placed some foods into the table.

"What is it, my love? You look sad. "

He said as he was pouring a cream powder into her coffee.

"Rough Seas sent us a letter that they are closing their company. "

"Then? "

"How about our orders? if we will get it from other companies, how could we be assured of its quality? "

"That's good news, my love."

Allie raised a brow as she looked at him. The issue was causing her so much stress and it was so humiliating that he seemed to take it as a joke.

Hayri read her reaction and he stood up and hugged her from the back.

"Let's buy the company. "

Allie turned around and broke free from his embrace. "Where will I get the money? "

" Through a bank loan. "

Allie laughed sardonically. How could she be approved of such great amount of loan? They were not talking about few thousands but millions.

"Our company will apply the loan in your behalf. "

"But you are not the only one to decide on this. "

"Trust me. I'll find a way. " He said as he looked at her gently.

"Thank you, Hayri. I'll return this favor someday. "

In a sudden momentum of joy for that unanticipated solution to her problem, she stood up and threw her arms around him. Hayri likewise took the chance to hug and kiss her forehead.


Days passed by quickly and soon, Rough Seas Marine Supplies and Equipments was turned over in her name as the principal shareholder and Hayri as secondary. Through his influence, they were also able to find more investors. However, when the company was able to stand by itself, Hayri transferred all his share to Allie's name so that she could have the full pride of establishing a company of her own.

Through also Allie's persistence and determination, the shipyard was independently separated from the main shipping line as Allie had proposed from the beginning. They had already started the laying out of the foundation of making it a vessel- building arena. Who would expect that through the inspiration Allie had on Hayri, he was able to complete his degree on business administration? Not only that, time flew faster than a wink of an eye that in few weeks, they would already be graduating from their degree of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.

After a year of showing her dedication and loyalty to the company, Cherry was able to expand to other countries. With this, Allie decided to give her a share in the company. Such dedication and industry was a rare treasure and she only desired to reward it. If not for Cherry, Rough Seas could not expand mightily as her priority was still with Hayri's company.

One time, as the two women were having tea in the afternoon, Allie brought up a plan which surprised Cherry. Both of them had already adapted to the country's tea - drinking culture, and like the rest of the people around, it had become a part of their daily lives. Whenever they wanted to meet prospects, discuss important topics or just hang out for leisure, they always ended up in tea gardens.

Turkey is famous for their robust coffee and strong black tea as tea - drinking has been an integral part of their culture which steeped down from ancient times to hundreds of their generation. Tea is served from breakfast until bedtime and in every home, a tea pot is always brewing. In fact, Turkey is one of the top tea growers in the world.

"Che, I have always been planning to expand in our own country. What do you think? "Allie said as she was leisurely sipping on her tea.

Cherry glanced up and somewhat looked startled but she was quick to recompose herself.

"It's exciting but I'm actually nervous about it. "

"Why? "

"I ran away from home and for them, I am already dead. "

Allie instantly chuckled out loudly.It was such a coincidence that they seemed to share a similar fate!

"Can you tell me about it? " Allie asked as her eyes remained fixed at her.

"Sure, when talking about it won't hurt me anymore. " Cherry replied right away but her tears instantly gathered around the corners of her eyes.

"I understand, Che. I also have my own story which I cannot tell as of now. "

Cherry nodded and smiled but the topic seemed to open up the floodgates of her soul. Allie then stood up and hugged her. Brushing her tears away, Cherry forced herself to speak up.

"Thank you, Zheen, for being a family to me in this foreign country. If not for you, I would have gone crazy with depression. "

Allie's heart sank. Whatever story Cherry and Hayri may had, she was sure that hers was equally as painful as theirs. Thankfully, she was stronger than them and this reality surprised herself.


While lying prone on her bed that night, she browsed on the Facebook wall of Ajie. She smiled as she saw another post of him and their daughter. It was already almost five years when she left and her daily bread was seeing them through the photos and videos Ajie sent to her. She didn't call them anymore because hearing them would only deepen her loneliness. Aside from that, she was also afraid that the men of Hayri or any of her enemies may had their own monitoring system of their incoming and outgoing calls. She didn't exactly know who else were her enemies.It could be Mr. Lopez or Dr. Jane herself.

"Adrian, can you please send me another video of my baby? "

Ajie broke his reservations in talking to a stranger especially that Allie was a woman because she was clever enough to only talk about his daughter and not about himself. She was successfully able to hold back her curiousity about how he was, his dreams, his studies and her current status in his heart. Her only updates about him was the bits and pieces of information his tounge had slipped.

"Adrian, I notice that Chloe does not speak up long sentences. Is there a problem with her speech? "

Ajie's eyes furrowed as he read her comment. "None, of course. It's because the grannies are training her in a wrong way. They do baby talk. "

"What did her teachers say about her speech delay?" Allie knew that Chloe was already sent to school as soon as she was two years old.

"What? "

"Yes, speech delay. "

Ajie sounded worried when he replied. "I'll talk to Jane about it. "

Jane. The mention of her name instantly formed a lump in her throat.

"Is she your wife? "

"Not yet, but I'm considering about it."