I Gained A Sister

Allie woke up to the weight on her waist. She thought Chloe had hung up her leg again across her body, an unconscious act a child always did. To her surprise, Chloe was hugging her bear far from her and the weight came from her other side. She turned in the opposite direction and saw Ajie fast asleep, his right arm hugging around her. This man is really stubborn, she thought, as a smile spread across her face. She never allowed him to sleep with them last night, only to find him sneaking around.

Ajie woke up to her movements and smiled sheepishly. He was now being caught but he never felt guilty at all. How could he sleep alone when his little family was here?

Allie started to confront him but he ended up drowning her complaints with his kisses.

"Let's get married again, please, " he begged, afraid that something might come up again.

She smirked as she looked at him. "You're in a hurry? Is changing a spouse an easy game?"