
Inside an executive shuttle van, Mr. Dioko, the whole Lopez family as well as Allie's, set out to Singapore's port of call to join Allyza's next cruise to Asian destinations. They had so many reasons to celebrate; they were even supposed to be onboard during her maiden voyage. Yet, so many things happened, and Allyza left on her first cruise without her builder and designer.

While on their way, Chloe's sweet and childish voice interrupted their conversation. "Grandpa, where are we going?"

"To the seaport," the three grandfathers chorused as if they were expecting their grandchild's question.

Realizing that she was only asking Mr. Lopez, who was closer to her, they all burst out laughing. It was not her fault after all if there were three of them; she only wanted one answer.

"Are we going to ride a plane again?" 

"Baby, we will be on a cruise," answered Mr. Lopez.

"Wrong answer," she complained, sending out a round of laughter from all of them.