I know you didn't

'What's so important that she had to leave the house this night?' Li Hoy had been asking himself this particular question since they drove out of her street.

When Sara asked him to come pick her up, and specifically instructed him to park beside her house, he had been skeptical about it especially when he saw reporters around her front door.

After confirming to Sara that there were no reporters by the side of her house, she told him to get ready and drive as soon as she got into the car because she was coming out very soon.

He wondered what she was intending to do. He thought maybe, there was a hidden door or something. But to his surprise, he saw her signal at him from the roof. The day was dark already but lights from nearby buildings and the reporter's vehicle headlights illuminated the place a bit. If any of them had decided to stroll to the side of the apartment, there would have been able to see her since the roof wasn't so high.