So naive

Jianjun still found it hard to believe that he had actually allowed his daughter to leave the house to go see a man. What was he thinking? He knew there was nothing he was going to tell her that would make her change her mind. She was like that. And she had inherited that trait from him.

When he came out to see Joreen speaking on the phone with Muchen, he had wanted to take the phone and stop Joreen from saying further. But he knew it was too late. Joreen already told him Sara bad gone to look for him. Was he supposed to say something to counter that? Everything was just frustrating him.

His phone beside him rang and he was desperately praying for it to be Sara who was calling. She had accidentally dropped her phone while climbing up and didn't bother to ask for it again and just left.. So there was no way he could reach her.

He looked at the phone to see it was Mr Park calling.

"I saw your daughter all over the news. Is she okay?" Mr Park asked immediately he took the call.