A New World

It was a lovely Friday morning Reine was watering the garden, mom was making breakfast, dad was reading the newspaper and i was REJECTED BY MY CRUSH!!!! "Hahahahahahahaha!" shouted Reine "don't talk to me asshole!" i cried.

It was Reine's Idea to ask her out on a date and i got rejected so quickly that i had to take an off from the university to avoid further embarrassment. "Don't blame me for your shortcomings." Reine was an average height girl with long silver hair and green eyes. Meanwhile i am a slightly tall boy

with messy black hair and red eyes. I'm seventeen years old though i think my birthday is pretty close and Reine is nineteen years old.

My name is Akane Saito and Reine is my older sister we both go to the same university.

I go to my bed and lay down wondering when i can belong somewhere. My sister is better at everything than me. I'm even called a failure by my parents. I dreamt something strange one day.

There was a blond girl with blue eyes, my sister and the corpse of a blue-haired boy with black eyes.

I was screaming something like "fire mountain extra" or something and there was a huge monster being impaled by a burning mountain?

Anyways that was a dream and i need to go back to reality. I checked my alarm and it was 7:30 p.m,

god it was late! But then i notice the date, it was 29th July 2023. At that point the door opened 'Whoa 29th July? Your birthday is tomorrow!" exclaimed Reine. 'Yeah i'm so useless, unimportant and pathetic that i forget my birthday.' i said sulkily.

Reine glared at me in disdain, she clearly understood i was talking about her being so special. "If your so sad try working hard to surpass me!" she screamed. "OK Madam" i said.

With this she stormed out of the room. It was getting late but i couldn't sleep so i continued playing video games until it was midnight. "So i guess this means i'm 18 years old huh" i thought. Will mom and dad even remember or will i have to listen to them calling me a failure on my birthday too?

At this thought i left my bedroom to relax as my parents were asleep. When I reached the dinner table i saw Reine sitting there, this was strange as Reine was incredibly punctual so she was fast asleep by 9 O'clock.

"So you're finally here Akane-Kun.'' said Reine with a sad tone in her voice, what does she mean Akane-Kun she never calls me that! "What d'you mean?" i asked her

she replied "i want to talk about something, please sit down." i took a seat opposite to her and she started talking. "Why are you so jealous of me?" she asked in a sad tone again.

Why? Why she asks! doesn't she know how many times mom and dad have called me a failure and how they call her a perfect human? "Don't joke with me perfect human!" i shouted with anger.

My anger immediately faded after seeing her grim expression.

"What's wrong?" i asked her with surprise, "It's just that people overestimate me and mom and dad don't let me rest" she said grimly, "also the fact that you're pretty good at studies but because i am so much better everyone calls you a failure and laughs at you" she said with the same sad tone.

What's happening to her? She's feeling bad for me even though she normally laughs at it. Is this because of my birthday? "Why are you so concerned?" i asked her. "oh nothing" she replied, "I just thought about how you are so kind, gentle and relaxed and i don't have those qualities but you still

call me perfect."

What's wrong with her why is she saying this? "I waited till your birthday because if i told you this some other day it would be weird." she said, yeah she is technically right, it would certainly be very strange. "I get you, thanks that gave me one hell of an ego boost" i said in a mellow tone.

Hearing this Reine smiled and went to her room. "I still won't stop calling you perfect girl" i shouted, "i know." she shouted back in a happy tone. This was certainly eventful i can't believe Ms. perfect girl actually complimented me. I looked at the time, it was 2:00 in the morning! Jeez i should get some sleep.

With that i went back to my room and lay down on my bed. Just as i was about to close my eyes i saw that my room was getting glitchy and distorted, though i thought it was an illusion and fell asleep.

When i woke up i saw a strange scenery my room was bigger, old-fashioned and royal looking.

I saw Reine sleeping in a bed next to mine she was wearing clothes which looked like they had been prepared for battle.

"So you're finally awake." she said yawning, "where are we?" i asked her looking out of the window.

"in some fantasy world called Orwan" she told me. Orwan? what is this a joke? what does she mean by fantasy world? this isn't some anime or manga.

"What d'you mean by fantasy world?" i asked her in surprise, "It's kinda like an Isekai except the fact that we were summoned here by chance not because we were special or something" she said,

"c'mon let me introduce you to the royal family" she shouted in a mellow tone.

What's this bullshit about? Maybe we just got sucked into a video game or something, yeah that's probably it! OK time to go meet the royal family, maybe they will give me a tutorial or it could be like the old-school games and not have one, that would be fun!

"c'mon what the hell are you doing?" She screamed, "i'm coming!" i replied back. The stairs were old fashioned and look like they were from the medieval times, heck everything looked like it was from the medieval times!

As we reached the room there was a king sitting on his throne, "welcome outsiders!" he said in a loud but welcoming tone, "this is the land of Orwan which you did not no about until today!" he said in the same tone, "forget the introduction king Horren." Said Reine

Just as Reine said that i realized there were two more people in the room. A boy taller than who had a handsome face, red hair and red eyes, the other was of an average height, average face, blue hair and black eyes. They both looked very friendly and cheerful.

"Ha, OK citizens of another world meet your allies!" the king shouted in a happy tone. Ah so these guys are our allies, that makes sense! "That guy with the red hair looks nice" Reine quietly whispered to me. Well i don't know how long we'll be staying here but i think you can make love here too i don't know the games mechanics though.

"Hello. nice to meet you!" said the red haired boy in a cheery tone, "i hope we can become allies" said the blue haired boy in a shy tone. They are night and day in personality that's a surprise.

"So why are you guys fighting with us?" i asked them. This was a question to determine their goals and see how reliable they are.

"i'm fighting to find my sister, this is the only way i can have the budget and gear required for finding her!" Said the red-haired boy. That's cliché even if that's normally what the protagonist does that's still cliché. "I want to protect our country!" said the blue-haired one, and that's cliché too!

OK let me ask their names, " and what are your names?" i asked them, "Rex" replied the red-haired boy, "Rako" said the blue-haired boy. Rex and Rako, so these are going to be our allies for this adventure?