Magic And Family

"My name's Akane and this is Reine." I said to Rex and Rako, "Akane and Reine huh? Nice to meet you" replied Rex. Rex and Rako seem friendly i hope they can guide us. "Now that your introduction is finished why don't you find out your magic?" said the king.

Find out our magic? What does this geezer mean? "Excuse me, just what do you mean by finding our magic?", "ah you see, magic is the way we duel and protect ourselves." Oh so the game uses a magic system for battling, that makes sense!

"So where can we 'find' our magic?" i asked the geezer, "at the magic center in the marketplace." he replied, marketplace i would like to go there it would be interesting to see this world's natives and its culture.

"I'll lead the way!" said Rex cheerfully, Rex is pretty energetic he looks to be around Reine's age. "Excuse me, how many years old are you? I'm 18 and Reine is 19" I asked him, "i'm 20 and Rako is 17" Rex replied.

Oh so they're about the same ages as us. With that we begun our journey to the marketplace, it took us about 20 minutes to reach it but it was so worth it! There are all kinds of monsters here! There is a shop which sells potions, a shop that sells monsters, a shop for equipment and finally.

"Here is the magic center!" said Rex in his normal cheery tone, the massive center was full of books, crystal balls and weird materials. "Ah welcome to our center Mr. Rex and Mr. Rako, i see you have brought guests with you!" said the shopkeeper happily.

"Yeah, we need to find the magic dercse of these two!" replied Rex. Dercse? What does he mean by dercse? " By the way dercse means the type of magic you can use and tirkse means the attacks you can use." said Rex. Ah that makes sense! Yes you need unique names for types and skills!

"OK come here ma'am." said the shopkeeper, Reine stepped forward and the shopkeeper grasped her head, what a weird way to tell magic! "Hmm interesting you're probably ice and electricity, that's a rare and unique combination!" said the shopkeeper.

TWO TYPES? How does that work. "Uh, Rex how many types of magic does a person have?" I asked Rex, "two but after surpassing level 99 you get another one." replied Rex, "yeah like i'm a water and light user!" said Rako happily, this is the first time he's been so confident in talking with us! He's getting used to us!

"Wow my magic is really powerful!!!" shouted Reine, "what about you Rex?" she asked Rex, "huh? oh, i'm a fire and meteor user" meteor? that must be some kind of unique type. "c'mere boy." said the shopkeeper merrily.

I came to him and the shopkeeper grasped my head tightly, he waited for a few minutes and gasped, what was so shocking? "B-b-b-b-burst dragon and f-f-f-fire mountain" said the shopkeeper, what are those? I looked at Rex and Rako they were looking at me in awe and Reine looked surprised.

"BURST DRAGON AND FIRE MOUNTAIN?!?!?!??!?" Shouted all three of them, what is so special?

"what happened guys?" i asked them, "don't you know you got two unique skills the only other person i've met who has two unique ones is my sister, Liora!" Rex said, OK i get that but Liora, that's the name of his sister?

"So that's the name of your sister, huh?" i said to Rex, "yeah she was so kind and gentle she should be around Rako's age by now, her 18th birthday is supposed to be next month." said Rex gloomily

this is the first time i've seen him so sad his grim expression brought sadness into my heart.

"What happened to her?" Reine asked Rex, "dunno, last i remember some rich pervert bought her, i joined this so i can defeat him and take back Liora." that's horrible this must be an M rated game if that's a quest!

"where is she?" i asked Rex, "not to far from here, the problem is that...." Rex said, what's the problem? if it's close from here he should be able to get there alone or at least with Rako!

"there's a boss on the way and me n' Rako can't beat it no matter how hard we try!"

A boss?!?! That sounds exciting! we should go save her right away! "Why don't we save her as our first mission!" i cried out, "huh! you'll help me!" said Rex excitedly, "yeah! for some reason seeing you sad makes me sad, we can't let that asshole get the best of us! plus you said she had unique skills like me! she'll probably be powerful"

At this Rex gave a comforting smile, jeez this guy is like the life of this team! I hope his sister is beautiful like he said! if so it would be nice to meet her! "Then let's start training! you guys are level 10 we have to get both of you to 30 like us to defeat the boss! then we can save my Liora!"

"OK sir" we both replied, "let's get some armor for you and test your skills! cried out Rex, and so began our adventure, after getting some flexible armor we started training, it was fun Rex was energetic because he wanted to quickly save his sister and so he taught us sword moves, while Rako taught us how to apply slight magic to our swords.

We didn't learn real magic but one day. "Well we're done here folks let's go back!" said Rex, "wait i need to do something tonight you go without me" i replied, "oh OK then" said Rex. With that Reine, Rako and Rex left for the castle.

"I think i saw a weird flower here" i thought, while searching for that flower i heard that some can be used to boost your stats, i tried it and surprisingly enough it worked! After some time i heard a voice

"come here young man" said a feminine voice, "who's there?" i asked it.

"i cannot tell you but i can guide you with my power" it replied, weird what does this person think i won't just come to a stranger in such a mysterious world. At that thought everything turned black.

"W-What are you doing?" i asked her in a terrified tone, "nothing i just want to tell someone with potential like you how to use your magic powers" she replied

My magic powers? why would a stranger want to help me? "Just trust me young man" she replied as if she could read my thoughts. But if she can read my thoughts and i say no it will be troublesome.

"OK please teach me how to use my magic!" i asked her, she smiled and shot a beam of light on me

then she said "just say (SKILL:DRAGON BURST ULTRA)"

I wondered how that would work but she gave me the signal and well "[Skill:Dragon Burst Ultra]" suddenly i lost a lot of magic points and a small black flame in the shape of a dragon appeared in my palm. "I-I-It actually worked!" i shouted cheerfully, "good step one cleared" she said this and vanished.

With this i decided to go back and rest since this was a really weird thing, though i never told anyone about it. About 1 week later, "alright guys this is the final part of your training!" said Rex,

"what is it?" asked Reine, yeah what could it be? A dungeon? a mini-boss?, "dueling, me vs Akane and Reine vs Rako" WHAT!