VS. Rex

What does he mean duel him? "What happened Akane-Kun, you chicken?" said Rex taunting me, "oh so that's how it is c'mon i'll beat you up Rex!" i shouted in anger. 'then it is on" said Rex, he was clearly excited for a all-out match, we were both level 30 and they were 40, this could be interesting!

"What are the rules for this match!" i shouted, "it's faint mode and everything goes!" he replied, faint mode huh! it's a mode that ends when one faints and no-one can die, good choice. After getting ready we both arrived at the battleground, we both had armor with swift strength(an ability which makes it light) and an iron sword.

"OK are you both ready?" asked Reine, "Yes" we both replied, "then START" she shouted. The battle started and Rex immediately sprinted towards me an directed a strike at me from above. In exchange

i parried his strike and he jumped backwards.

He smirked and launched a barrage of attacks towards me, i dodged a few and parried a few more but some of them landed and there was now a cut on my right leg, cheeks and my left arm." Ya okay there Akane" said Rex, he clearly understood i had been damaged but he forget one thing, he was tired, more than me and that gave me the upper hand.

"Yeah i am, at least i'm better then you are" i replied, he smirked and said "your clearly no joke Akane-Kun, but your underestimating me you can't win this." We'll see about that Rex.

With that i ran over to him and attacked his leg, he parried it but to do this he had to swing his sword in a circle, at that moment i regained my balance and landed a strike on his chest. He started moaning in pain but it wasn't over yet he used a skill.

"[Skill:Meteor Heal]" he shouted and his injury healed. he immediately swung his sword to parry my strike and punched in the gut. With this i readied my sword and shouted "[Power-Up:Burst Slash]",

He countered with,"[Power-Up:Meteor Blade]" there was a blast and the field was filled with smoke.

I spun my blade to clear the smoke but this was a mistake as Rex got an opportunity to strike and he barraged me with attacks left, right, left, right, i was rapidly losing Hp. I tried to parry him but couldn't pick my sword up.

Just as i was about to lose, i somehow managed to dodge his attack." Oh? You're not done yet are you?" said Rex mocking me. "No i'm not done yet! I've got one more trick up my sleeve!" i shouted

this was my last chance if this fails i'm done for, but if this succeeds in defeating him i'll win.

As the smoked cleared Reine and Rako gasped in horror after seeing me. I was bleeding very badly and from their perspective i already lost. "Let's finish this shall we?" said Rex taunting me, "yes i shall destroy you here and claim my victory over you!" i shouted.

Rex laughed as though someone had made a really good joke, which was a suitable reaction. I was covered in wounds my sword was lying on the ground and i didn't have enough energy move around a lot.

"Come...At...Me" i told him and he sprinted towards me and swung his sword. It felt like everything had slowed down for a second and i somehow dodged his attack. Reine and Rako were

looking surprised and Rex wasn't fazed by this but only one thing came to my mind.

"[Skill:Dragon Burst Ultra]" i shouted with all my might and Rex got blown away. Reine and Rako were looking at it in surprise and i sat down barely able to keep consciousness. the dragon of flame

kept on attacking Rex and he tried to dodge and parry it until it hit him squarely in the chest and he fainted.

"Well.. uh, this means Akane Saito is the winner!" shouted Reine, i was so glad that i could win! I laughed and fell unconscious.

After some time I woke up and saw Rako and Rex in different beds respectively. Reine was sitting in a chair and was delighted to see me conscious. "Oh thank god you're okay!" said Reine, "you had me so worried there!"

"Yeah Akane how come you didn't tell me about this ridiculously powerful skill?" asked Rex, "well some random spirit or something thought me how to do it" i replied, after hearing this all three of them looked at each other in confusion but they decided this was for another day.

"Okay Akane-Kun we will leave to find Liora tomorrow we should be healed up by then" said Rako,

OK this means we'll go on our first adventure, i'm pretty excited for this! For the rest of the we rested and talked about how much fun our adventure would be!

The next morning we all were chatting while getting ready. I really want to meet Liora if she's as beautiful as Rex says it would be nice after all i'm still a normal 18 year old! We took off for our journey at 9:30 a.m.

After walking for 2 hours we took a break for some snacks during that break i tried to talk to Rex about how he was feeling. "How're you feeling Rex?" I asked him, "oh i'm really happy, i'm so close to reuniting with my sister!" he said merrily.

That makes sense, "hey Akane isn't your sister so beautiful!" he said, whoa where did this come from? I once overheard Reine talking about how she had a crush on Rex and thought it was weird!

But now i know both are the same.

"Do you like her?" i asked him, "n-n-no it's nothing like that!" he replied stuttering, "just admit it"

i told him, "fine." he said to me, "because she likes you too!" i told him, "Wha!" he said looking surprised.

After he recovered from the shock he told me, "okay after saving my sister i will ask her out!" he said looking determined, god we're so early on this and a situation like this is already happening, but this

isn't my thing to butt into.

With that we left the spot and went onwards in our journey to save Liora! We walked for quite some time before it was 8:30 p.m. We were sleepy so we took turns watching out for monsters. For the whole night i imagined how Liora would be these were fun to think about when it was morning and Reine woke me up. And we set out to find Liora.