Chapter 2

"We are planning a revolt against the empire."

Kaishin said

His hair was jet black like a beautiful void, more beautiful than the nightsky. Eyes are honey-gold that captures your own as its gaze lands upon you.

"You...want me to join in your revolt?... I'm an Aristocrat though... I know that you guys could know that much by the way of my clothing..." I said

"Rigelle Flasenaea Moirviller, The empress of the empire. We know who you are. Our master gave us some pictures of nobles who we can trust and you are one of them. Your position as an empress can help us big time in this revolt." Kaishin said

I am no longer an empress... I have been banished from that position and i am now just a nothing... I tried to explain this but they insisted that they want me in their group.

"You could still be a big help for us. I heard from master that in spite of being part of a duke's family, you are quite good with tactics. You even won the title of the best chess player at the age of five." He still tries to pursuade me

Huh? how did they know that??? He keep on talking like master this and master that... Just who is their master? That mysterious person knows a lot about me...

That title that I got when i was a five years old child, was when i fought with the general in chess and won...

"You've been talking about this 'master' of yours since earlier...just who the hell is this person?" i asked

"We don't actually know him...But we call him Master 'R'... All we know is that he is also a noble...but he won't tell us if which noble he is..."

Kaishin explained

This fellow is really trying his best to get me in their group... I just can't help but laugh at how desperate he is..."Pfftt...Hahahaha!!!"

"Are you really sure that you could trust me?" I asked them one more time with a smile on my face... it was rather hillarious how this is madenning.

"Master trusts you. We have faith in Master's judgement." Kaishin said with a straightforward face

"Before making a revolt, Do you even have weapons to fight? if your fighting with farmer's equipments...I suggest you guys just give up" I stated.

I know well from war. Majority of the ones I saw before entering are mostly children. They surely have got to be not serious at all.

Kaishin smirked and said to follow him...

In his room, their is a secret passage under his bed... The path is wide and is very long...

A few moments later, I saw swords hanging on the wall...

Those amount of swords can't just be bought by a peasant like him...

"Where did you guys get this?! you guys didn't steal did you?" i asked

"No!... This stuffs are all given by master..." He said

"We even have guns, bombs, and bows for this revolt that we are planning." He said exitedly

Later on, We came across a door and as Kaishin oppened it, there are peoples inside... A few women and kids while the others are mostly men... But, this number is hardly enough to fight an empire...

"Kaishin...sorry to say this but, with just this amount of people to fight, You hardly even have one percent of winning against the empire..." I said Frankly...

Everyone just stayed still and looked at me...

A minute later, guys came with boxes in their hands...The boxes were labaled with a name of wine. But when they opened, the content was completely different...

"Master 'R' sent us this..." The guy said as he showed us the content of the box...

It contains daggers, powders, and a map of the empire...

When you look at the map, there are 'X' marks at some places...Mostly are churches and noble houses.

Now i see what this Master 'R' is planning...

"Kaishin, I take back what I said... It isn't one percent at all! Our chance of succeeding has gone up now!" I said to Kaishin

An empress like me... I was nothing but a child who have gotten used to the protection of tbe dukedom. I've lost so much from the previous war but, I don't plan to lose any more. I still have people to protect from the devilish plot of unjust rulers. My mother and father who loved me so much...

"Everyone! We are starting from this plan!!!" I said as i raise my fist up and Everyone also raise their's...

Everyone, including the children...Have eyes that seems to be burning up with determination at those times.

And so, I finally decided to join and be part of the revolt that they are planning.

The first step is rescuing and recruiting.

And that is what we are about to do.