Chapter 3

Rescuing some people and recruiting them to our group would be the best thing to do now...

We plan to send a few man to spy in one of the noble's house that were marked in the map...

" guys are the ones chosen?" I ask the girl and boy that is standing in front of me

"Yes! i'm Comil!" The girl hyperly introduced herself

"I'm Fisel..."The guy shyly introduced himself

"This are the ones that is so well in combat. Comil specializes in daggers, while Fisel specializes in guns.The other fellas are still training. That is why, i choose them for this mission." Kaishin explained

"Ok. You guys will be part of the rescue team. Me and Kaishin will try to reach out to the nobles that 'R' said we can trust." I said

"You two will rescue the kids from the Church in the town of Rugal of Savil Kingdom, Ruled by king Rashvi... In the mean time, we will go to Baron Jibel which lives two town away from the town of Rugal... " i said as i point it in the map...

Savil kingdom is just next to ours but, the travelling time is one day by horse to go in the capital...

"But, What if Baron Jibel won't want to join us? And he reports our plan to the kings?" Comil asked

"That is when, we have to kill them before they could ever report us to the higher ups."

I explained this to them and we decided to set off tommorow...

At that night, i decided to cut off my hair to so short...Like the style of a man...

Took some bandages and wrapped it around my chest to hide it...

Borrowed some clothes from Kaishin and wore it...

"What's with the get up???" Kaishin asked

"I was already banished...News might be in the entire empire by now... For this is a really big news."

"Headlines: Empress who just sitted for a few weaks has already commited adultery!" I said this as i laugh

"It would be better to find a new image right?" I said with a smile

The four of us meet up later, and took some weapons and putted them in an attaché case to hide it.

Kaishin called for someone to drive us with a carriage... The man was named as Aton and he is also part of our group.

While we rode in the carriage, i explain the act that we will have to do.

"From now on, til the end of this mission, we will be a group of merchants. I will be going with Kaishin to 'have a transaction' with Baron Jibel. While, The two of you will be siblings that plans to donate to the church."

I then, explained the things that Comil and Fisel will have to do.

After explaining the plan, we just talked about random stuffs and eat when we want to, until the end of the day.

The sun is finally setting, Sinking to the horizon as we look. We are still just half way and so, we decided to camp for the night in a forest.

We set up tents and made a campfire. Kashin went to the woods to Hunt for some wild pigs with his bow and arrow.

Kaishin's expression totally changed as he hold some weapons on his hands.

His eyes were entirely focused unto it's target and then fired the arrow on to it.

Later on, he returned with a big pig, back with him.

We cleaned it and cook it with fire and ate it with everyone.

We then, had a few chatting as we eat our meal...

"So...You were hunting? at night when you coincidentally saw me???" i asked him as i was not convinced to what he said...

"I was on my home from the base when i heard the sound of a a hunter, i couldn't let a target go when i set my eyes on my target." Kaishin said

"From the base?..."

"Didn't Kaishin told you,Young lady? the base is below the earth of the forest..." Aton said...

I was really shocked when i heard of that...

We continued chatting until we finally decided to sleep.

There are two tents...One for the boys and one for the girls...

I was a bit uncomfortable at sleeping for i am still new to the feeling of not sleeping in a comfy bed any more...But gladly, i was able to sleep.

As we sleep tightly...Little did we knew that there were bandits that is about to attack us.