Ask for help

A few minutes later.

Lisya arrived at a fairly wide garden and was overgrown with various kinds of vegetables, beside the garden there were some trees that were quite dense and tall, it could be said that it looked like a forest and it looked scary even in the daytime.

Without hesitation Lizya passed through the garden door after which she hurriedly picked some vegetables.

"Ouch ...". the sound of someone moaning was heard behind the dense tree beside the garden.

Lizya gasped in surprise and stopped her activities then glanced at the source of the sound.

"What sound is that?".

"Help me".

Lisya was even more curious when she heard a groaning voice followed by a cry for help.

"Looks like the sound was heard from behind the tree, I'll check it".

Lizya walked carefully to the tree.

"Help me!".

As the voice sounded closer and closer, Lizya sped up her path with a feeling of worry.

"Please help me".

The voice was getting louder from behind the lush bush, Lizya hesitantly exposed the bush and she was surprised to see a man sitting with his legs crushed by a large piece of wood.

"Oh my god, isn't he the son of a Devil?"

Lisya was frozen in silence while closing her mouth in shock, even though she only saw him once but she still remembered his face very well.

During the Festival, it is the most fun time for male students because they can see and meet female students in the same building and in the same environment.

"Why is he here, shouldn't he be at the race site or the restroom?".

Prince Austin looked up when he realized Lizya's presence.

"Can you help me get rid of the wood that pinches my leg?". asked Prince Austin.

Lizya looked confused, she glanced left and right for help, but no one was passing by, Lizya was getting worried and confused about what to do.

"Why are you silent?". Prince Austin asked irritably.

Prince Austin's gaze gave Lizya chills and the air suddenly felt extremely cold.

"Is it true that he is a devil child, he should easily get rid of this wood with his strength, but why doesn't he do it?".

"Wait a minute, I'll find help for you". Lisya said.

"Are you crazy?". Shouted Prince Austin in a deep voice along with a burst of thunder carrying dark clouds.

"Aaargh ...". Lisya was shocked and then closed her ears and eyes in fear.

"Don't kill me!" Lizya said in a voice that trembled with fear.

"I will not eat a stupid human like you because I believe your flesh must be bitter. So, stop fearing and save me before my feet bleed more!". Prince Austin said irritably.

"Okay I will help you".

Lisya put the vegetable basket beside her.

After that she hurried to help Prince Austin get rid of the wood that crushed his leg.

Lisya fought her hardest to help Prince Austin until her hand was injured by the woodcut which she removed at all costs.

A few minutes later, the wood was successfully removed by Lizya, She sighed after falling to the ground while wiping the sweat on her forehead.

Prince Austin moved his bleeding legs with all his might so that he could stand up.

Lisya tore her skirt slightly when she saw the blood from Prince Austin's leg that didn't stop coming out, after that she immediately covered the wound with a tear in her skirt to stop the bleeding.

Those beautiful eyes stared at Lizya's radiant face which was filled with sweat which kept dripping from her cheeks.

What Lizya did so spontaneously stunned Prince Austin.

"Thank you". Prince Austin said.

"You're welcome". Lizya replied with a smile after finishing Prince Austin's wound.

For a moment they were silent in the same position, confused about what to say. Prince Austin is still trying to gather the strength to be able to stand up, while Lizya is still confused between helping him or not. While thinking, Lizya sat cross-legged in front of Prince Austin.

"By the way, why are you here?". Lisya asked after a long silence.