Got stuck in the rain

"I just wanted to enjoy the view from above, but I fell when I was going down". Prince Austin replied.

Lisya immediately looked up at how tall the tree had been climbing by Prince Austin.

"You fell from this very tall tree, you just deserve to be injured". Lisya said.

Suddenly, the rain fell on Nerline city after black clouds came when they heard Prince Austin's scream.

Lisya panicked and immediately took out her vegetable, but she turned her head towards Prince Austin who was still sitting.

"Why are you silent, run fast!". Prince Austin said.

"I'll help you not to get caught in the rain". Lisya said while getting closer to Prince Austin.

Before Lisya helped him, Prince Austin tried to stand alone because he didn't want to be much indebted to Lisya.

After he managed to stand up, he immediately grabbed Lizya's arm and then pulled him to take shelter under a tree not far from the two of them, Lisya was shocked when she felt the touch of Prince Austin's hand which was warm as well as being able to make her tremble because she had never been touched by a man.

"We'll stay here first until the rain stops!". said Prince Austin, wiping the rainwater from his face and clothes.

Lisya was silent while watching the raindrops that fell from the tip of the leaf.

Somehow she was excited and cold sweat started pouring down her forehead when she was beside the cold and handsome Prince Austin.

"I'm getting uncomfortable. So, please stop the rain so I can escape this scary feeling".

Lisya clenched her fists to ease her nervousness when she was beside Prince Austin.

Meanwhile, Prince Austin was casual and not interested in getting involved with any feelings with a woman.

From the gaps in the leaves, rain slipped down their faces, Prince Austin suddenly opened his jacket.

"Argh ... why did you take off your jacket?".

Lisya started to think badly when she saw Prince Austin take off his jacket.

"Wear!". Prince Austin said while sticking his jacket towards Lisya.

Lisya peeked behind her finger when she heard Prince Austin's words.

"This is for me?" Lisya asked after lowering her hands that covered her face.


Prince Austin nodded expressionlessly because he had never actually done that to a woman, not even his mother.

"How about you?".

"Don't worry about me, because my body doesn't get sick easily".

Hearing Prince Asutin's answer, Lisya sighed while wearing the jacket because she was really cold.

After that, the silence returned, occasionally Lisya glanced at Prince Austin's face, which was wet with raindrops.

"I just realized that he is very handsome, this is the first time I saw a man who has a smooth face like him. Oh my god, I can't have any feelings for him, I have to get rid of him".

Lisya shook her head because she felt that what she was doing wasn't right, she was just an ordinary citizen living in a small town so she shouldn't have any feelings for a noble as that was the rule.

"My name is Austin Ludwig, just call Austin!". Prince Austin said breaking the silence that was going on after the earlier small talk.

Prince Austin knew that Lisya had been watching him all along, but he didn't want to embarrass her so he let her be.

"Oh, I'm Lisya". Lisya said nervously and at the same time surprised because she felt that she never asked for an introduction.

"I don't ask".

Lisya became annoyed and embarrassed at the words of Prince Austin, she looked down because she didn't want Prince Austin to see her annoyed face.

"He played with me, it felt so embarrassing, why is he so annoying?".

Not accepting being humiliated, Lisya mustered up the courage to protest. She immediately looked up and then turned to Prince Austin sarcastically.

Unfortunately, she was bewitched to see the smooth face soaked by the rain so she could not open her mouth to protest, a small smile on the corner of her lips was etched without her noticing.