The real truth

"I've been investigating, it is exactly what my brother wrote, but it was copied and on the orders of his father!". Lisya's tears fell heavier and heavier, she couldn't believe she had let her prejudice lock her heart for 8 years.

"Turn your car!". Exclaimed Lisya while wiping her tears.

"But we're almost at your boarding house!".

"I said turn back your car, we go back to Prince Austin house". Lisya's words reinforce her words. Maheza finally complied and brought Lisya back to the prince's Austin house. 

Qing House. 

A while later, the two of them arrived at the Qing House. 

It was 1 o'clock in the morning, Maheza brought Lisya into the prince's Austin house.

"Mr. Maheza, may I ask for help?". Lisya said in a soft voice. 

"Say it!". Maheza said while waiting for what Lisya would say.

"Please don't tell Prince Austin first that I already know everything, let me say it later after I finish something, do you want to promise?".