An enemy that is hard to find

After that Prince Austin and Maheza went to Prince Austin office.

A moment later in Prince Austin's study. 

"Tell me what's up?". Exclaimed prince Austin, glaring at Maheza.

"The person I asked to investigate Lyn's kidnapping case already got the results, apparently it was planned. Maybe they came again last night because they didn't want Lyn to tell what she saw. I think this is the doing of Prince Gilbert who doesn't want his brother to inherit the throne. I am worried that they will disturb Prince Artha's life because they know that you are very close to Prince Artha". Maheza said.

"At first I didn't care about the throne, but hearing your explanation, I thought again, because I have to protect many people including Lisya. Because I suspect that the secret admirer you mean is Prince Gilbert".

Maheza was stunned to hear the conclusion of Prince Austin, he knew very well that Prince Austin never got along with his cousin that one.