Whose child is he?

"What would you do?". Austin asked Maheza.

Maheza immediately turned his head towards Austin after laying Mutia down.

"I will do the operation myself, so you two please help me!". Said Maheza while preparing everything before doing the surgery.

Austin looked confused because he thought this was too risky.

"But I don't know about surgery". Austin said confusedly.

David also opened his voice by saying. "Don't know that doesn't mean you can't, right?".

Austin nodded immediately.

"But can't we wait for another doctor who will help you?". Austin asked, a little worried.

"I can't, time is running out, I don't want my son to lose his mother!". Said Maheza while putting on his gloves, after which he performed the anesthesia himself, while Austin and David helped retrieve the surgical equipment Maheza needed.

The operation process in the old building was very tense, all of the Bloods men guarding the building were tense too.