Can't do anything

Syenina smiled and immediately led Faeza to the family room, pointing at the large family photo she said. "Look next to Uncle David! That is your papa, his name is Maheza". 

Faeza's eyes stared at the photo, he seemed to be thinking and remembering.

"Is he my papa? Isn't he Lyn's uncle? Earlier, Lyn's uncle hugged me in front of Mama who was sleeping".

Syenina looked confused, but suddenly David's voice startled them.

"Yes he is your Papa!".

Faeza immediately held his head and thought again when he heard David's words. "But, Mama said, if my papa is a doctor who likes people surgery".

"Yes, your papa is indeed a doctor, in fact he is a very good doctor," said Mrs. Charli, bringing Faeza into her arms.

Faeza immediately smiled and glanced at Lyn, who was sitting quietly with David.

"Lyn's uncle turns out to be Faeza's father".

Lyn just nodded at Faeza, and Mrs. Charli immediately brought Faeza to her husband.