I don't want to get married

"Immediately pack up! And I'll wait in the car!".

Aurel shuddered at her papa's words.

"Yes Pa". After hearing Aurel's words, her papa immediately left without greeting David and was followed by two of his bodyguards.

Mr. Rudolf is one of the great businessmen of Elythes.

His company is everywhere, he is a descendant of nobility born with a silver spoon, he cannot be denied, his attitude is similar to David's, he also spoils Aurel a lot, but he is a very busy person, so naturally she was surprised to see her papa suddenly there in her apartment.

David looked pensive with his dark expression, he did not think that Aurel was the daughter of Mr. Rudolf who was none other than his business rival from several years ago.

"Sorry, I have to pack, I'm afraid Papa will be angry if I take a long time". Aurel said, kissing David on the cheek.

"Come in! I'll be leaving soon". David said as he turned away from Aurel.