Want to hug him

"Please!". His grandfather replied sarcastically.

David took a deep breath after that and continued his words.

"Does grandfather not want to accept my mother to come back again?".

Hearing David's question, his grandparents' expressions darkened.

"Why do you ask like that?". Asked his grandfather sarcastically while clenching his fists.

David seemed to be adjusting his seat, and Maheza tried to explain everything.

"Mama doesn't want a penny from grandfather or her title to be returned. But, Mama just wants to hug grandparents, getting forgiveness from you is her dream, all this time she's been tortured and always cries because she misses you, but she doesn't dare to return to this country, because she's afraid you will get angry with her". Maheza explained.

His grandmother burst into tears when she heard Maheza's story.

"Geez, my daughter, why is she so stupid? We also miss her so much".