
Hello everyone! I am new here and honestly speaking I started writing long ago like right from when I could form sentences by myself and as a result my parents gifted me a diary to write down my thoughts but I wasted it by writing different silly things which I heard or learnt. And also my confidence had always been very low as a result although I write I seldom showed them to anyone. Also I practiced writing all these stories in my diaries first and then posted it here. But I know there are still some mistakes in grammar,in expression and some even in spellings, sadly. But please bear with it. Also my stories are usually very long and detailed and also my vocabulary isn't very large so you might notice words repeating itself. Also this is my first posting online so thank you for reading these and even thank you for not reading these because honestly these aren't much good, as for my reviews. But still if you're reading it, thank you very much. Please spare some time in commenting and giving reviews. Your ideas are most welcome here as two heads think better than one, three heads more than two and so on...

Hmm I think that's it. Bye~

Love from India.