Dream 1: Chapter 1:

I sat in the sun-room of my apartment. The sun rays after passing through the tree leaves fell on my books. I completed reading the last line and turned the page. Suddenly a vibration shattered my mental calmness. There was his call - I tsked , clearly annoyed. What now? I accepted the call. "Hey!! What are you doing?" sounded his masculine yet childish voice. "Hanging up if you're not telling me why you called for." replied my cold voice, a stark opposite to his. "Wait! No, no, I do have an important thing to tell. It goes like this ...." His voice suddenly faded . Usual, I thought in my head. "Bye"I muttered . "Ah no no no please...umm can I come to your place now? Please~" Well, at least his pleading skills are still top notch. "Suit yourself" was my curt reply. Well I know I sounded rude but he must know better than to disturb my midday reading for nothing. I closed the book after placing a bookmark. Hearing my movements, Brownie woke up. He lazily perked up one of his ears and stared at me before standing up. I gave him one of my "come with me, dear" looks and walked off. Coming out of the sun-room I saw my watch. 4:30, I mentally noted. After drinking some water I found my snacks and started chewing them. Then it rang "Cllllrrrrrrnnnngggg" Uh , here comes the troublemaker. I pushed myself towards the door, Brownie following me. As I opened the door, upon me stumbled a wobbly him and another unconscious person. I jerked both of them at an arm's length after making myself steady. I gave him one of my stern looks- What the hell is this,man? He gave me an awkward smile. I allowed them to come inside my apartment. He staggered himself to push the unconscious person till my couch and...Bang , both of them fell on it. His average frame could do little to support the muscular guy he was holding. "A little help please" he pleaded . I chuckled to myself as I went forward to help him. But this was really heavy. So after a full two minutes push and pull we succeeded to adjust the large frame of my ex in my couch. That's right you read it correctly, the muscular man is my ex. When he was my crush he was a nerdy boy. I had a huge crush on him but never told that to anyone , except my bro , yes that childish troublemaker. But I gave up on him at our reunion party when we had to complete a dare.