Dream 1: Chapter 2:

It was a fun party. I went there full of expectation but never in my horrific nightmares expected that to happen. That day I was wearing an off-white mermaid dress which ended at my knees. I had my hair turned to a simple ponytail and as I didn't like heavy makeup so a mascara and some red lipstick completed my look. At the party, I met many of my aquantainces , and gradually started enjoying it. Now, someone proposed to play a Truth and Dare game. I joined them. It always amazed me that how they know I am telling a truth or a lie so I really didn't think much before joining I was asked several truths like" who's your first crush"- Sherlock Holmes, hehe damn lie. Next" what's your first priority in your partner" - intelligence, true. As the game became funnier , someone dared me to propose anyone in the room . As I pondered , I heard many fleeting laughter . I requested them to suggest some names and some bullshit damn human suggested his name. I was mentally shocked and a bit excited. Omg, finally I'm going to say that to him. Well, there were some rumours in junior classes of him and me being together but he disagreed and I rejected to the existence of such rumours. Although I could have used that opportunity but I thought what's the point in me agreeing when he clearly disagreed . I guess that opportunity that day was due to those rumours. Okay back to the reunion party. I made myself move towards him. He was staring blankly at me with his pair of dark black eyes. They were shining like some black diamond and were piercing through me. I gulped. I really can't concentrate if I keep looking towards his eyes. They were so magnetic, so deep... No, no, focus. I repremided myself and stopped a foot away from him . Well, here it goes. I took a pink rose from a nearby bouquet and motioned it towards him as I said" I love you, will you marry me? " Focus,Salina , focus . Don't look at his eyes or you may really mean it. I made myself stare at a nearby cake but couldn't continue with it and at last made myself caught up in the mystic eyes of his. I suddenly realised that no one was talking. Fuck, why are they making it so real-like? It's a bloody damn game for goodness sake. "Yes" came a mellow answer after what seemed to me a millenium. WHAT THE HELL?!! I was dumbstruck. Did my crush just agree on marrying me??!!!!