DREAM 1 : Chapter 3:

I stared at him and my gaze was returned by two shiny jewel like pair of eyes. Well , as I thought, just a game, I guess?! My heart was still fluttering and I think I stopped breathing for some moments. I slowly turned around and told the onlookers" Dare done" and man, wasn't I blushing. I felt hot from my inner core of heart and I really felt like jumping from the deepest core of Pacific Ocean to highest point of Mount Everest . I felt so Happy. Not only did I proposed my crush, but he accepted it. I blessed the person who suggested his name ten times. But suddenly my silent rejoicing moments were ended by a glass crash behind me. I turned to look at him. His eyes were no longer shining, they were like whirlpools of death, seeking on killing someone like me?! What now? How did I piss him ? " I break off our marriage right now. It was only a game, right?" He told staring at me and the onlookers. WHAT?!!! Oh right it was only a game, remember? I told my heart. It sank, deeply, more deep than the Titanic. And then he walked towards me . "If everything is such a game to you, why don't you go to a bar and start selling your body,huh? Oh well let me remember you don't drink. It is my bloody wish that you get fucking raped by a drunk bastard." He declared while crossing me. Until now, I was only sad. But this was unbelievable. That jerk , how dare he abuse me and call me a prostitute , he better hate his living state to abuse me. But then I was not powerful enough, I calmed myself. Hooh , need some fresh water. As such I went towards the female washroom. Many wanted to accompany me, but I shooed them away with a stern look. My mood is already at it's worst , now don't make it bitter with your nonsense. Aaron escorted me till the washroom and stood there. His girlfriend made her way to me and didn't get shooed. Thankfully, she kept her mouth shut. I splashed some water on my face, dried it , put on a new layer of lipstick while calming myself down. Calm down dear, you are not strong enough to beat him, but don't give others a bit of doubt that you are sad. I pressed my lips together and forced a smile. Not bad. I took a strong breath and walked out. By now, the game has already stopped. Although there were some gust of murmurs but I still found them looking at me.