DREAM 1: Chapter 4:

I forced on one of my brightest smile and said" Let's not ruin the party with the words of some jerk, shall we?" The party continued but its initial energetic state was nowhere to be found. I continued talking to some of my aquantainces but none mentioned the incident before. I was relieved but my heart felt uneasy. I was getting bored and excused myself after giving Aaron a glance of" don't bother me, I am fine" and smiling towards his girlfriend. Well, there she's got the best boyfriend in the world. Hugh, I sighed in my car and turned on some hard metallic jazz. At least my mind won't be uneasy while driving. Somehow, I reached home, entered my apartment and Bamm... sat at the floor and cried and silently shouted my hearts out. After an hour, I got up and cursed myself. Well just look at yourself. How can you be compared to that beauty near him. Looks, no way. Beauty, shut up. Money, don't even think about it. Her hair clip was worth enough of my whole get-up. I continued sulking for almost a week and then bottled up my emotions. Well that's the best I can do. Back to reality, I kept glaring at him while reminiscing the past and then I asked" Explain" . Aaron started. "You know how in some weekends I reward myself with a lavish meal" I rolled my eyes, it's quite easy for you to allow yourself to flow in such luxury once in a while, unlike me - I thought .He continued "So this fateful today I decided to cherish my reward. And guess whom I found drowning his sorrows in broad daylight?" He pointed towards him. "And then I thought it would be quite rude for me not to even drop down to say hi and so I jumped in. And while we're drinking our second round, an idea clicked in me. Why not make him embarrassed for humiliating you that day in front of so many people? Just why he did so? He isn't naturally like that, that I had come to know." He continued after some pause. "And?" I urged. "And so, I feed him some of the truth potions which I was lucky enough to carry with me." He replied apologetically."And you know drinking it could have caused temporary memory loss. " I glared. He looked down, no. "So when he wakes up he might not remember anything and it'll be you and me responsible for that." Okay he didn't and at present he was giving me one of his best puppy eyes. No effect, I'm already immune to that. Sigh, "Just assist me to put that body on bed, will ya?" "Sure, dear" And as such we both balanced his body to my bed. "Go and reflect about your actions on my couch and if he doesn't wakes up by 6 we'll be heading to the hospital", said I. Aaron went away and I stayed back. Although he humiliated me that day without any particular reason, but seeing him lie down here in such conditions made me worried. No, no I am just worried as if something bad happens it'll be fully mine and that brat's responsibility. Has he even thought what'll happen to his girlfriend? Such a poor girl.