DREAM 1: Chapter 5:

Although I am not directly involved but I just can't stand back when the cops take him away. I have to help him. My attention again gets drifted to his long eyebrows, curly eyelashes and sculpted nose. Oh my, what seductive lips. No, think Salina , think. Wait, am I overthinking this? There's only 33% chance of memory loss , that too temporary. So even if it occurs it'll have neutralised its effect in just one to two hours. There'll be no physical damage,too. Clearing my head I came out of my bedroom and suddenly I halted. Why? Why, why? Why did I put that man on my bed? Shit! Now, what? I felt like smacking my head but no avail. The action is already done and pulling him out of there was a task of double load. Huh, leave it. I'll manage it later on. I left Brownie on stand post and went to kitchen to bring food for all of us. There's a long time to wait. While serving food I found Aaron sleeping on my couch and sighed - this brat. I fed Brownie and continued my work in sunroom. By this time the sun had already set down and I sat under those neon bulbs to work. But it was hard for me to concentrate with the picture of his face on my mind. I pulled off my' focus hard' mode to concentrate on my work. After an hour, Brownie's cute licking pulled my mind off my work. Uh-oh, problem in my bed, I thought while showing my "most thank you" looks to him . As I walked out, I found Aaron coming to me like he's in a horror movie. "He - he woke up" barely above a murmur. I nodded. Good, I thought, saved our hospital fees. I took a deep breath to prepare myself for storm . As our trio, opened the corridor door, we faced a half- conscious him walking slowly towards us while looking around aimlessly. I found his gait a bit amiss . As he approached with a polite smile, I froze. Shit, the 33% chance happened to him. Oh God, what do I do now? He was giving his childish and innocent looks, one of his killers in junior high. I calmed myself hurriedly as a hoard of thoughts went bustling in my head. Suddenly Aaron pulled me behind him in a protective manner and wait, did he just glare at my ex? Although looking immature Xandy glared back. Although temporarily shocked, I put myself between them and looked at Xandy lightly. ( Okay, so now I'm gonna call my ex with name, Xandy).