DREAM 1: Chapter 6:

"Hello, are you feeling okay, now?" looking at me with a gentle look he nodded. "Good, so ...." Aaron cut me as he said "Sorry , dude. I found you dining at the same restaurant as mine and as I went down to say hello to you, you went high after we had a few drinks. Sorry, but this was the nearest crash on place I have. Hehe." I mentally rolled my eyes as I checked my watch..5:50. Good, so even if he had memory loss he'll be fine by 8 and then I can sent him back to his place. "Strange, I don't remember anything" He talked. I glared at Aaron, see what you have done, I told him in my mind. I suddenly found myself worried for him. What if he had something important scheduled right now. Oh God, what now, what now? I screamed internally. "But it's okay. Since I was sleeping on your bed, then you must be my girlfriend, missy. And you must be my brother, right?" chimed his childlike voice. Omg, I shouted in my head. He should totally get a prize for being the cutest baby boy. He continued, "Please feed me, sweetie. I'm hungry~" I couldn't make myself disagree with him so I turned around to get him food while saying. "I am not your girlfriend. Don't make up those things in your head." "Okay, sweetie~" "DON'T. CALL. ME. SWEETIE" I cut in sternly. I became irritated and flustered. Why am I at my wit's end near this jerk? Ugh, I am losing my calmness. "Okay-" He gave me a hurt look. Great I am now flustered and guilty. I tried to avoid his presence while in kitchen as I found him staring at me with full adore. I've to repeatedly remind myself not to look at him. I also see Aaron continuously glancing between me and Xandy like some show is going on. In this mess, Brownie comes and licks me. I tell him " thank you for comforting me" through my eyes. At least he's in my group. The food gets cooked meanwhile. I go and serve food to all of us. Aaron digs in hungrily. As I try to sit away from Xandy, he chimes , "Pretty savior, won't you sit beside me and give me a chance to repay you? Please~" I dart him one of my fiercest glances urging him to stop while changing my seat beside him. Okay, I compiled with him, besides he's just a baby now. Won't I get cursed if I get angry with such a cute baby? Just as I was about to put some soup in my mouth, I was stopped by him. I looked up.