What the Fu**!!

On their way Shin I spoke a bit loudly and he heard it known as the most dumb teacher ever." what are you deciding to bunk?" he looked right into shin Ji's eye Ian couldn't bear and spoke "it just we are planning to go for kind of a party today."

" okay"

the three of them burst into laughter the moment the teacher turned.

it was 5 o'clock and Shin ji was about to leave when her relatives paid her a visit.

"Damn!" The first word coming out of Shin Ji's mouth on seeing them.

5 min, 10 min at last half an hour went when Ian called

"is this Adi a real shit mean he told his mother that you will be coming by sneaking and now as expected her mother is not allowing him to come!"

"He really is a jerk, what the fu** man! Cancel all of the program we will handle Adi in school leave it as it is for now.

Before Ian could reply shin ji hung up the phone.

Next day Adi alok felt regretted but shin ji didn't took the matter to far.

" Shin Ji we are doomed now!" said Sim in a terrific voice

" wait what happened" asked Shin ji

" dates are shifted our mid term exam are starting from tomorrow!"