Shut up!

you gotta be kidding me man! how come they can shift the dates was the only question in everyone's mind and especially these four as they have not studied even a bit.

"which subject?" asked Sim

"It's history!"replied Ryan

"Shut up man it can't happen!"

But it happened.

Back at home Shin ji opened her textbook and every single page was like taking a tons of sleeping pill. Shin ji made notes, flashcards which were of no use after getting irritated she let it go and decided what gonna happen will happen.

Next day before exam

" did you studied?"asked Shin ji

" kinda of a bit!" replied Sim and Shaun.

There a girl a made an entry whin was like an angel for Shin ji it was Di yang the topper of the class and mathematically she was arranged to sit with Shin ji by God's grace shin ji passed the exam with well marks with the help of Di yang.

More exam went by and Di yang helped shin ji scoring at least passing marks. She didn't help much though too.

Finally the final exam came and after that something happened that will change shin Ji's life for ever!