Chapter 2180: Visit Long Hui's Previous Master's Grave

A man who was wearing a white robe came out of the room. Yu Qi and Long Hui were pretty shocked to see the man. He looked exactly similar to Bai Weimin, Long Hui's previous master. Even his temperament was kind of similar.

"Greetings to two of you." The man smiled at Yu Qi and Long Hui. "I heard both of you requested to see me under the Ancestor's request."

"Yes... The Ancestor asks us to visit Master Bai Weimin's grave on his behalf." Long Hui said.

"I see. Then, let me bring you out there." The man stated.

While they were on the way to the grave, Long Hui asked the man about his name.

"My name is Bai Shuwen." The man stated.

"Bai? Are you Master Bai Weimin's descendant?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yes. I am." Bai Shuwen nodded.

Yu Qi and Long Hui looked at each other. They knew what was in their minds. They arrived at the hill. There was an array surrounding the area.