When Yu Qi and Long Hui arrived at the mountain, the sky was already dark. They would stay for a night there. They had a simple dinner prepared by the four guardians.
They returned to Yu Qi's room. She immediately took out the box from Sere. She already took out a needle to prick some blood from her fingernail. Before she managed to do so, a hand grabbed her hand which held the needle.
"What are you doing?" Long Hui asked.
"Huh? Well... I need my blood to open this box. Not much... Just one drop." Yu Qi explained.
"Are you sure that it would be opened with your current blood?" Long Hui asked again.
"Well, I don't know. I need to try." Yu Qi said.
Hearing this, Long Hui slowly let Yu Qi's hand. Yu Qi pricked his finger. A drop of blood formed from the prick. She let the blood fall to the box. At the same time, she let her aura out.