"Nope. I am with my fiance." Long Hui said.
"Well, I am really curious about your choice of going on a date at a place like that." Huang Lan Guan said.
"How long it take for your people to come?" Long Hui asked.
"Probably 45 minutes to one hour." Huang Lan Guan said.
"Okay. Thank you, First Brother." Long Hui cut the call.
Huang Lan Guan stared at the phone in disbelief. Lin Ming Shu, who had just come out of the kitchen, noticed that her husband was staring at his phone resentfully.
"What happens? Why are you staring at your phone like that?" Lin Ming Shu asked her husband.
"Scolding someone who asks for our help but still ungrateful." Huang Lan Guan said.
"What? Then, we should not help them." Lin Ming Shu said.
"But that person is Second Brother." Huang Guan Lan stated.
Lin Ming Shu immediately changed her tone. "Second Brother is probably in serious problem. We should help him."