1 How I died

~ Saturday, 11.37 pm my room.

"God damnit" I take off my headset and throw it aside. 'how the hell does he know I hide in that corner' I take the coffee beside my desk and drink it.


"aahhh" 'i like how this tastes' then I put back the headset on my head, waiting for the next round of this fps game.

While looking at the window behind my PC. I think of how heavy the rain was since two days ago, the road outside my house got submerged by water. Fortunately, my house was made one and a half meters higher than the road.


" Oohh!!! " I exclaimed 'that lighting looks cool just now'


Oh yeah, I should introduce myself. My name is Yusa, I'm what you know as a 17 years old normal high schooler. My routine consists of going to school every Monday to Friday morning, hang out with people in the evening, and doing homework at night. Then gaming and having fun on weekends, sometimes cleaning my room and doing laundry.

I'm a member of the basketball club, even though I'm not that tall. I'm on the taller side of an average high schooler.

I just play basketball as a hobby I never thinking of going pro or something like that. Anyway I'm just your everyday normal highschooler

As a normal high schooler, I obviously have friends right. I have many kinds of friends, I have those otaku friends, nerd guys and lady, riajuu type of guy that always surrounded by his harpies, there's even some gyaru in my class.

Sometimes these otaku guys take me to watch anime and go to comic con, I'm actually not that into anime and the like, but I grew up watching Dragon ball, One Piece, Naruto, and others that usually airing on weekends on the TV.

These otaku guys have their own club, they make cosplay, sell cosplay, and joining cosplay tournaments. They ask me this normal high schooler to be their main cosplayer as a way to promoting their club.

They make me wear all kinds of cool kinds of guy costumes, like Yuno from black clover, Sanji from one piece, Shoto Todoroki from My Hero academia, Genos from One punch man, Sasuke from Naruto, and many others.

I admit I look cool on those costumes, not that I brag I'm kind of on the handsome side as a normal high schooler.

Other than those otaku guys, the riajuu guy keeps bothering me with his harpies behind him, asking me to hang out with him. I keep wondering am I some popular guy, but seeing him will all his harpies I don't think I can be called the popular guy.

This guy sometimes pulls me to follow him to karaoke with his harpies, I'm not that good with singing you know. I see some of the harpies always chuckling and giggling while I singing, I feel bad about myself as I tried not to look at them.

Sometimes he invites me to watch movies in his home theater. You don't read wrong this guy has his own theater at home. He's a rich riajuu.

Enough of him maybe, it makes me jealous.

What makes me having a shiver is the group of gyarus, what they do is they corner me in an alley on my way home then start to ... wait for it.... ask me to teach them math or they will do something that I will never forget, they say. I obviously was a kind guy help them with their math problem not because I was afraid of their intimidating eye and those big balloon that threatening my eye.

They have a bad way of understanding math. What they have a hard time understanding is the basics like where and how can there be x, y, z, or other variables that are not a number to be used in the equation.

So I start to teach them using something they understand, using money and items like make-up or hair products as substitutes for variables for them. As I teaching them they're not that scary, but the way they look at me keeps making me shivers until now. Their eye that looking at me like some prey to hunt is scary.

Enough about my so-called friends.

About my family, I have a lively parent. My father is a househusband, he does housework. He keeps everything work in the house. He does many odd jobs around the neighborhood, he is what you call a jack of all trades kind of guy.

My mother is an office lady. she goes out at nine in the morning back home before six in the afternoon. I'm not that interested in her job.

She has this serious lady vibe that makes me do anything she asks, like if not I will have something bad happening to me.

Why I say they are lively, yeah that is because they do their night activities loudly without concerning my presence in the house at night.

I sometimes got aroused by their activities, I'm a teenager with active hormones please understand.

It's awkward for me every morning at the dining table, they act like nothing was happening as I silently eating breakfast.


Okay back to the game. A big LOSE written on the screen. "okay next round" I taking a deep breath trying to calm myself from losing the round before. As I was in buying phase my electricity got cut off, "Fuuk" I yell as a flash of lightning lit my room from outside. 'This thing happen more and more in this rainy season

"God damnit" I yell again. "hhaaaaa hhuuuu hhaaaaa hhuuuu" I'm taking a deep breath to calm myself.

I take off my headset put it aside carefully so I don't get tangled by the wire. Then standing up I get a flashlight on from my phone.


As I walk down the hallway the lightning getting louder and brighter.

I walk outside to the electric fuse just outside the house. I open the fuse box and see it was off. I'm readying myself with awesome and cool posture ready to flick it from off to on, "Let there be light" I said in the middle of the night.

*flash *Boom *tzzzppp *clap

Everything happens so fast. Lightning strikes me as I flick the fuse, I only see a flash of white light. My body goes numb from the lightning that I don't feel the explosion from the fuse box. Then I died.