2 Taking Over

I died

~time unknown place unknown

I'm numb. I don't feel anything, can't move anything. I'm floating in the darkness.

'Is this what happened after people die, just floating without feeling anything for god know how long' I float here and there with no purpose.

'ah how will my parent at the other side feel when seeing their son fried by lightning' I start thinking 'who will fill my place as the main cool guy cosplayer of those otaku guys' still floating 'I should have hangout more and take advantage of that rich riajuu guy like his harpies' nothing but darkness 'who will teach those gyaru math again, will they be able to pass the exam, I hope they can improve without me, ah those scary eyes, I miss them.'

after who knows how long I floated I start feeling something, a warm current from inside myself. slowly everything changes I grown a body or more likely my soul is forming a form of a body. It starts forming a body then growing limb to finger and ahead.

'ah finally god knows how long has passed I can feel something again.' Then I try to move, twitching my finger to moving my limb is hard. feel like I was in a coma for so long that my body doesn't remember how to move.

I looked around there was only darkness as far as I could see, not like I can see anything in this darkness. I tried to control the floating by using my hand and leg as a paddle.

'eehh eggh eiggh' I move all my limbs as paddling downward to see Is there a surface on this place. As I keep paddling suddenly my face hit something.

'ouch, so there is a surface' I put my leg down on the surface then suddenly I feel gravity pulling me down make my foot firm on the ground not floating anymore. 'wow this is strange' I think while kneeling.

I try to stand up like a normal person should be, or in this case soul. then I started to walk in a random direction.

'this place is so weird, is everyone afterlife like this'.

I keep walking and walking until I see a door far away that had white light shine through the gap.

'is that some kind of next life door or something, let's go and check it' I started running. when I get closer I could hear the sound of crying.

'What the, it makes a creepy sound for a door that emits white light' the closer I get the louder the cringe I hear.

'Should I open it, it's like a boy crying'

I take a deep breath calming myself though I don't have lungs and there's no feeling of air around. then I put my hand on the doorknob.


I twist the doorknob, slowly opening the door, the light is a bit blinding if I may say so. inside the door, there is a small Japanese-styled room. Other than the red crack on the shoji door on the other side of the room, the ceiling, and some of the wall, everything is white.

I looked around to find the source of the crying sound, then my eye stop at the right corner of the room.

A boy is sitting with his head between his knees crying, with his duck butt like hair standing out defying gravity.

I slowly walk to him, seeing he doesn't seem to be bothered with my presence, and just keep crying. I sit beside him.

"why you crying?" I ask him

he stop crying and wipe his eye and moves his head up to see me beside him. he just looks at me with a little bit of his swollen eye.

"I don't know why you here, but for me, it's because I died struck by lighting and I wake up floating outside that door" I pointed at the door I just came in through. "so what about you? care to share some stories, we will be staying here for long, I don't know about you, but I lose the sense of time here, I don't know how long I have been here" I said to the boy, he ready to cry again.

*sniff *sniff

"I---- I th----think I was killed by my brother like my father and mother, aa--and the rest of the Uchiha clan," the boy say between sniffing his snot. I focused on the mention of Uchiha. 'wait, Uchiha, brother, kill' looking at him again with a focus this time 'that face that hair Uchiha and everything this boy is Sasuke, but why is he here he should not be dead, more importantly, he is a fictional character' I tried to put it together.

"don't need to be sad boy, we are dead leave all those things behind, maybe you can go and find your family in those darkness outside, but don't get your hope up the darkness outside is so vast." he perked up at what is say.

"a--are you sure? ccaa---can I really find my mother and father?" I looked away to the darkness just outside the door.

"I'm not sure myself, meeting you is just a coincidence, I don't know if your family is out there or already in their journey to the next life, but what I know is you sulking and crying here doesn't change anything. everything that already happened cannot be changed boy, you can just move on." I said 'damn all those movie quotes and old men from movies giving their motivational speech.'

the boy stops sniffing looking at me with determination in his eyes, "yes you're right, nothing will change. I'm already dead I should just move on." with that he starts to glow "wh--- what happened?" he shocked.

"I think this is you moving on to your next life, I hope you find a better family and live a good life this time." I started to analyze what happened 'can I just move on like him, I already let go of my past life but I am still stuck here in the darkness, hmm, what is the difference.'

"thank you Big Brother, for making me move on, I hope you can move on too big brother. see you in next life." he said with a blissful expression on his face.

as Sasuke fading, I notice the red crack on the shoji door, wall, and ceiling begun to get fixed. after Sasuke fading a crystal clear ball plopped down. 'every crack is gone, what a mysterious sight. what's that crystal ball?'. I reach the crystal ball, take it for a closer look. 'it's clear and transparent, what could it be?'

suddenly the crystal ball explodes, I closed my eye immediately. But there's no change, suddenly something tugged my chest at the center of soul-body where everything made up. "aaaggghhh" memories of Sasuke childhood come to me, 'it hurts damnit' then I see Itachi giving me a Tsukuyomi and reliving the dead of Uchiha clan. 'that crazy brother of f--king Uchiha do this to a seven years old boy' after a few hours of torture the memories fade become part of me, but not replacing me.

I suddenly come up with a wild theory, Itachi doesn't kill Sasuke, this room looks like Sasuke clan compound. All those crack was mental damaged Sasuke received, by leaving everything and move on the damage is gone. Again Sasuke is not dead he is in a coma this is his mind, but while in the coma he stays between life and death which means his soul is in the darkness but encased by his mind.

'Wait does that mean I just kill Sasuke, no maybe that's for the better his life will be bitter if he keeps on living as Uchiha Sasuke' as I have done with the wild theories, I get up, start walking to the door, but I suddenly realize.

'where is the door?' I look left 'wall' I looked right 'wall' I looked behind 'the shoji door' i panicked 'am I stuck here'

*inhale *exhale

I took a deep breath calming my mind even though I don't have lungs and there's no air here. 'okay my only way out is through that shoji door' i slowly turn around then walking towards the shoji door.


I put my hand on the door, sliding it open.

*whoosh *flash

wind blowing on my face as a light so bright assault my eye. I closed my eye the after the light getting dimmer I tried to open it again.

what I see is a hospital ceiling, my first thought was. 'i really taking over Sasuke F--king Uchiha.'