3 brainw-I mean consoling sessions

'i really taking over Sasuke F--king Uchiha'

* 02.37 pm Konoha hospital Room No 201

I wake up and trying to calm my panicked self, through breathing exercises, this time I have lungs and there's the air around me. While I calming myself down, a nurse comes sliding the door open and see me sitting on the bed.

She runs outside again 'she must be reporting to doctor or hokage' that is what I think she did.

'so how should I act, should I be cold, and show hatred on my eye. Or just indifferent like I lose every purpose of living.' minutes come by I finally make a decision 'i will act the latter, I don't want to be taken as a flight risk and branded as a traitor.'

The door sliding again, this time the one that shows up is doctor and Hokage. They come inside, the doctor checking my pulse and everything. 'okay time to channel my inner cosplayer and chuunibyou ness of my character.' I look to my leg with a blank look, like a person that loses his sense of living.

"How is he?" the Hokage ask the doctor. "Physically nothing wrong with him. Looking at his situation, his mental damage should leave a deep scar for him. Only time will tell if he can recover from it." the Doctor sighing. "is there a way to help him?" Hokage ask another question "maybe a Yamanaka can help him fix it by going inside or giving him suggestion but I don't recommend it, it can change his personality and lifestyle even his talent." the Doctor answer.

'tch, both of them talking like I can't understand anything that happens. yeah, I pretending to be indifferent, but at least show a bit courtesy and talk about it outside.' I complained inside my head about these two old man.

"Sasuke-Kun" I lift my head to see the Hokage with a blank eye that has no focus "how is your feeling? I'm sorry to hear what happened to you." Hokage asked and consoling me. 'you dare to ask how I feeling old man, seriously you are the cause of why I'm here old man. calm~~calm. okay, let's act a little crazy to see their reaction.' "hehe.. how I feel hahaha... how I fe--arrggghhh." I clutch my head feigning a headache.

"Hokage-sama I think you just trigger his trauma. I will give him a little sedative to calm him down" the doctor goes to the cabinet on the side to get the sedative, while I observe the Hokage expression while I'm in pain. He seems to feel really sorry for what happened to me.

The Doctor give me a sedative, I feel sleepy suddenly. my eyelids seem to become heavier. I closed my eye and gone to sleep.

* 05.37 am Konoha hospital Room No 201

I wake up, it's been so long I don't fall asleep, in the darkness I don't feel tired. there a nurse checking some list on the side. "wwaa--- teerr" I spoke through my dry mouth. The nurse was startled a bit hearing my voice then hurrying to get a glass of water.

A doctor comes checking on me, with Yamanaka this time. 'oh shit' that's what I thought at first. But it is just a false alarm, they don't use shintenshin no Jutsu and do a mind walk just for helping patients that have PTSD. They use some kind of genjutsu or specifically a yin part of chakra to give me a suggestion and talking to me giving me the motivation that there are more to life, Konoha has many to offer so don't let your will of fire die with it or something along those lines. unfortunately, I don't have any issue with living, it's just an act and I don't take any of those will of fire bullshit.

As the Yamanaka keep coming every day for a week giving me a brainw-I mean consoling, I gradually show the light of life in my eye bit by bit. By the end of the week, the Yamanaka thought that I will not have to take the brainw-I mean consoling anymore. The next day after that, Hokage comes bearing a piece of good news that I had been waiting for.

* 07.37 pm Konoha hospital Room No 201

"Sasuke-Kun" I look at Hokage with a slight smile on my face showing that the brainw-I mean consoling work. "yes? Hokage-sama" I answer him without much emotion. "how are you feeling? the day after tomorrow you will be able to go back to the academy again." Hokage asked. " I feel better Hokage-sama, thank you for your concern." I answer him flatly.

"that's good, I have sent some people to keep your compound clean for all the time you spend here. so that tomorrow you don't have to clean anything and just start your new life Sasuke-Kun." Hokage said with a hint of guilt about what he did to Sasuke. "thank you Hokage-sama" I answer him.

*next day

I got released from the hospital and right now I was on my way to the Uchiha compound. Good thing Sasuke left that memory crystal around so I remember da wae. I arrived in front of the Uchiha clan compound. 'this place looks clean there's no trace of blood anywhere anymore here' the Hokage really did clean everything up nicely.

I walk to my House it still looks the same. I walk through where Itachi kill my parents. 'since when did I think of them as my parents, okay since I will live as Sasuke I will take what his as mine starting from this feeling of family.' I walk to my parent's room, get their photo, and put them on a butsudan near the living room where my grandparent's photos are.

I light up some incense and pay my respect to my ancestors and my parents.

I close everything up and start walking to the shoji door facing toward the yard. I look at the yard and toward the horizon.

"This is the start of the new life of Uchiha Sasuke."