8 Let's be friend first

*05.57pm Uchiha clan warehouse

'there already low number of ninja what is the use of this seal then.' I turn around and walk out, as I walk to the front door ware house I nearly forgot. so I turn around and walk in library again an look at kenjutsu art on the bookshelf.

Activating my sharingan I skim through the scroll one by one. after many scroll I decide to take this three scroll. -sword art : how to not stab yourself- - sword art : everything has it flow learn your own sword flow- -sword style : splitting moon- ' I think training this will be enough for the time being.

Finnaly I return to my house, I get to my room and take out the thing I take from the ware house. I actually don't need to take all these scroll back, It just precaution if some spying on my house so they see I have the scroll and not just using sharingan remembering them. I active my sharingan an read the sealing for beginners.

After reading I finnaly know why Uchiha didn't stand out for copying any seal, it because it need creative mind and preciseness of every stroke, which Uchiha people find it beneath them probably. They can copy simple one like all those in the warehouse, that's why it has many. But for creating a new and complicated they need intensive training. I don't need to be able make those complicated one. I just need the common used one like storage and explosive seal. 'The sun already set so I should go to sleep first'. I close the scroll and tidy everything up. Plop down to the bed and drift to dream realm.

*05.17 am, Uchiha head house, Sasuke room

I woke up, and get down to the kitchen to get breakfast, cook some rice, add egg and some condiment. voila breakfast prepared. I take it to dinning table, "itadakimasu" I start to eat.


I clean everything up and get ready to do my mornings routine, 'from yesterday experience I feel sticking leaf is too easy, so let's up it to tree sticking.'

I do some warm up the get close to a tree, I put one leg on the tree and feel the chakra on my sole feet push it little by little until it stick. ' my leg stick, let's try the other one' I put the same amount of chakra on my other leg but it results in me getting pushed away. 'so every part of the tree surface need different amount of chakra.' I tried again now one leg, it stick, the other leg slowly rising the chakra it stick. Now let start walking, 'wow it easier than I thought' I think as I walk up and down the tree.

with this I can up my exercise. I find a tree with thick branch, I run vertical on the tree reaching the thick branch. Dangling my self upside down, I start to do pull up.

*few moments later

I started to lose focus while doing pull up, I release the chakra on my leg and flip my self up to do the thing. what the thing is a super hero landing. I try to rotating my body in the air so my leg facing downward, and after it facing downward I just land with a cool pose.

'i become more and more chuuni these days' I take a mouthful of air it really exhausting to do exercise while consectrating on other thing. Then I run to the cliff behind our compound. This cliff is steep enough to be use as wall sticking exercise place. I started consectrating my chakra on my sole feet. and start to run on the wall. I keep running up and down the cliff until I'm exhausted and do it again when I'm recovered. Without me realizing I keep doing these until the sun is on top my head.

"huuufff, so hot the sun already that high up huh. I think I should go back now" I'm not the kind of guy that plan thing up, I just wing it as I see it.

I walk back to my house, first I take a bath. Get some lunch, clean everything up. I will walk around the village to look what are there in the village. I go outside the house and walk out the compounds. I already explore a little on the north and west side of the village, let's see what are there in south and east side. I turn right from my compound, as I walk I contemplating 'I need a hobby, a hobby that not ninja related and perverted. I can't play basketball here.' as I walk I see a blacksmith on the side. 'should I learn blacksmithing, no I can't do it in my free time it need much preparing to do blacksmithing.' there is a backery on the side as I continue walking.

And look it's Ino's family flower shop. That is her mother watering some flower there. I think I see Ino shilouet inside the shop. 'should I try gardening, I think it's not for me.' as I going to continue my journey, Ino call out for me. "Sasuke-kun" I turn around and looked at her. "Oh, konichiwa Yamanaka-san, Its a good day today, is there something do you need." I answer her call.

"etto, about yesterday I have discussed with Sakura that we really are wrong to just like you from your look, we did brainstorming on what good point do you have but we came up with nothing. It's because we don't know anything about you. I really sorry for always bothering you." she say while looking down. I can't feel her guilt gushing out from her.

"it's okay Yamanaka-san, everyone make mistake. it's good you realize it early. if you or Haruno-san still trying to pursue me, we can start from being friend first, then knowing each other better. You should tell Haruno-san too about what I just say." I said to Ino.

"Please call me Ino, Sasuke-kun" Ino suggested. " okay then Ino-san " Ino seem giving up.

"Sasuke-kun where are you going?" Ino asked after a moment of silence. "here and there Ino-san. I rarely go out, I'm exploring the village right now. and I tried to find a hobby that doesn't have anything with being Shinobi. How about you Ino-san is gardening fun to you?"

Before she answered she dragged me to the flower shop. her mother seem confused looking at Ino dragging me here. "Ara, did you bring a boyfriend back ino-chan?" she tease Ino. "it's not like that mother, Sasuke-kun here want to find a hobby that doesn't related to Shinobi activities. So I will show him the beautifulness of taking care of flower."

Ino answer her mother with a little blush on her face.

"is that true Sasuke-kun? she is not threatening you right" her mother ask me, while she release my hand and covering her red face. "I'm not threatening anyone" Ino mumbled between her hand.

"It's true Yamanaka-san I tried to find a hobby so I can have a light activities that serve a break everytime I don't train. and Ino-san here isn't threatening me, just a bit forceful." I say following her teasing Ino. Ino getting redder and there her head start smoking a little there. " No more of those Yamanaka-san dear, just call me Noriko." Noriko say to me. "okay, Noriko-san." I answer her.

"Ino-chan come and get Sasuke-kun to the back garden and show him the flower." Noriko said. Ino seems cooling down a bit. "come here, Sasuke-kun." she ask me to follow without draging me this time.