*02.17 pm Yamanaka residence, Noriko's flower shop.
As I follow Ino what greet me on the backyard was a neatly and ordered garden, with many kind flower in many colors. "wow, it's beautiful" as subconsciously said. "Right, Right it's beautiful. my mother and I take care of them all." Ino enthusiastically explain to me.
She start dragging me to a corner, she tell me this is the cabinet where they put many kind of seed. she open it one by one explaining what kind of seed are there. she really enjoyed explaining everything.
She continue dragging me here and there. telling about the compost they use, that it made from animal waste from their brother clan the Akimichi and Nara. she explain how deep you need to dig for every seed, which plant need more water which need only a Little, what plant need more sun exposure.
She keep talking about everything there is to flower tending. I just listened and enjoying this moment where she doesn't oggling on me but so absorbed on her own world.
* few hours later
"did you get it Sasuke-kun?" Ino explain to me while she moving a plant from one pot to another. " yes, Ino I get it, about the color of the dirt and how the mineral quality of it" I answered her, without noticing since when I stop using honorific when talking to her. "you're really a fast learner Sasuke-kun." Ino praise me. Just as I about to continue the conversation, an old men with blonde hair barged in.
"I hear my sweet little girl brought her boyfriend here! who dare to steal my little girl!" hearing what he yelling the oldman must be inoichi. From how people interact here I sometimes forgot that I'm only 8 year old.
"Father, NO!! you make me embarrassed in front of my friend. I Hate You!" Ino getting red from her neck to the top her head and it's smoking up there.
She ran inside the house I can hear the footstep she take going upstairs to her room. 'well this is awkward' I looked between the door that Ino just run through and a depressed oldman writing circle with finger on the ground while muttering "my little baby daughter hate me. she hate me" I just stand there waiting for this situation to change.
a few moments of awkwardness later
My savior came, in the form of Noriko."Inoichi-dear why don't you get up then go upstairs and persuade our daughter to forgive you before everything escalated." Inoichi turn up and look at his wife, then get up. Slowly walking inside not before sending a glare at me. I can just smile awkwardly at him. he just sigh and continue his journey to forgiveness.
Noriko turn to me after Inoichi get inside. "Do you want to stay for dinner Sasuke-kun?" Noriko ask me. I'm about to refuse but I think it over again it's not bad suggestion. 'i need to show I'm not a closed off person, showing that I can socialize too'. "if it's not a burden for you Noriko-san I will shamelessly join your family dinner." I answer her.
"that's good then come here Sasuke-kun, I will show you to the dinning table. while waiting for my husband to make a deal with ino-chan up there." I follow Noriko to the dinning room and sitting on one of the chairs at the dinning table while waiting.
a few minutes later Inoichi came through the hallway into dinning room. he seems conflicted and holding something back. 'it's must be the deal between him and ino'
"konbanwa, Yamanaka-san. I'm Uchiha Sasuke. it's nice to meet you." he seems surprised I greet him first. "konbanwa, Sasuke-kun. don't bother with Yamanaka-san, just call me Inoichi. I heard a lot about you from iraga. He say you seems getting better and better since last week." Inoichi return my greetings. 'wait who is iraga? oh the Yamanaka that brainw-I mean consoling me for a weak.'
"hai, Inoichi-san, iraga-san has been a big help to me." I say to him.
Ino came through from the hall to dinning room. seating in front of me. she looked at her father she hump at him. Inoichi only can smile wryly. then Noriko came with food still hot then put it in the middle of the table. I don't want to stay on awkward position get up and go to the kitchen to wash my hand.
I return to table, get a bowl. I scoop some rice and pour some of Karē on it.
I wait, looking around I see they already did the same. ""itadakimasu"" everyone start eating. 'eating with other people is heart-warming, mother I did my best to enjoy life.'
after only eating two mouthful I fell into trance again. Noriko broke my trance "is something wrong with the Karē Sasuke-kun?" the other two look at me.
I look down on the Karē "Nothing wrong with the Karē Noriko-san, it's just been a week since the last time I eat with other people." I answer her. both parents understand what I'm implying but Ino doesn't seem to get it.
so she asked "why are eating alone Sasuke-kun?" Inoichi trying to be sensible calling her daughter.
"it's okay Inoichi-san, everyone already know my sircumstance. Ino, my parents and every Uchiha are gone. That why I'm in the hospital for the last week." I answer her questions, she seem to realize that she overstepped her boundary. "I'm sorry Sasuke-kun." she say sorry.
"it's okay Ino, by the way did your parent know that you and Haruno-san competing for someone affection for the last year in academy"
this get the attention of both of her parents shift to her, they seems doesn't know of what her daughter doing in academy.
Ino eat so fast that her plate become clean in a moment. she ran back upstairs to her room.
her mother speak up, "Ino-chan let's talk about it later okay. Sasuke-kun it's very mature of you just now" while I finish eating I got praise, I smile awkwardly and scratch the back of my head.
Inoichi seems want to say something but holding it back.
after a few idle talk with Noriko-san I excuse myself from their house. It's already dark outside with a little light from lantern lighting the road. I jump on the rooftop and dash to another my destination is home. but as I jump around I saw a person with a blinding orange jacket behind alley rummaging a trash can.
I sneak up behind him.
"what are you doing Uzumaki-san?"