10 Everything is so peaceful

*06.57 pm random alley in Konoha

"what are you doing Uzumaki-san?" I ask Naruto. he startled and jump to the side. he look at me. " oh it's you teme "

Naruto fix his posture and ready to search again in the trash can. " I'm searching for use weapon, like kunai, shuriken, or anything because we will be throwing weapon next session in class." he answered while trying to search. "why don't you just buy it form the guy inside?" I ask him even though the answer is easy to know. "I want to, but before I even get inside that guy already yell at me telling me to leave the place." he say gritting his teeth

'should I help him?' I contemplating there's must be anbu somewhere monitoring him, anbu really without emotion. They can watch kid rummaging trash can like it's nothing. 'ugh, decision - decision' "okay, stop searching the trash can, even if there broken and used weapon they will just recycle it not throw it in trash can." I tell him, and he seems dejected. "follow me, I will give you some for training." his eye lit up with something glittering around it. I just turn around and start walking home, not caring if he follow.

As I reach Uchiha compound I still feel his presence. 'he follow me in the end' I open the compound "keep following" I said to him, and walk to warehouse entrances. "wait here." I said to Naruto. right in front of the entrance. I get to the armory and pick a set of 20 shuriken, kunai, and senbon. Then put it inside a storage seal.

I came back to him, hand him the seal. He has a confused look, looking at the seal. I face palm inwardly. 'he must be not paying attention when Iruka-sensei explain about seal in class.' I take a deep breath. "that is a storage seal, I put shuriken, kunai and senbon inside. To take it out you need to chanel chakra to it. try it first." I explained to him. he put down the seal and chanel his chakra.


everything I put there come out. "to put everything back inside, just chanel you chakra trough this part while everything is on top of it." I show him where to chanel it. He seems observing the seal more after after putting everything back inside.

"Thanks you Sasuke." he say with full of vigor and gratefulness. "Now go back, I don't want you to start crying here." I say to him. "hump, I'm never gonna cry for you teme." there he turn back to his old self. I watch him turn around, running and jumping while going to the compound entrance.

*08.07 pm Sasuke room

I'm exhausted, not physically but mentally. I'm slowly adapting to these kind of lifestyle. I look at ceiling on my room. 'im only 8 year old, I almost forgot everything from my previous life. most of my memory are that of Sasuke. and I'm him. I don't want to be child soldiers but it's the norm here. Without strength I will not have any say in my life.' While thinking about life, I slowly getting to sleep.

*05.17 am Sasuke room

I wake up, come down. Get breakfast and go outside to start training. I do some warm up, then take out the tanto. I never held a sword in my live.

So according to the scroll. This kind of tanto with two side sharp blade and no tip, is usually use for deflecting projectile and distracting enemy while the other hand do other thing, like using longer blade or casting jutsu one handed. This tanto is more defense oriented. It's say held it with tip facing away from you, and for finger keep it tight using you pinky and index finger and loosely on rest of the finger for easier control.

I held the tanto, swinging it downward, right, left, upward and keep doing it. I keep doing it until it feel natural. as I keep doing it, I remember about the flow. So I Chanel chakra through the blade. I could feel the chakra is unstable on the blade as I keep swinging it. it's hard maintain steady flow of chakra on the blade, sometime it broke and I push chakra again through the blade.

a few hour of training, with a break every now and then. Right now I still don't feel any different, only exhausting. 'what am I thinking, I just start my training for two days. Obviously there will be no significant change.' I get up, going inside the house and take a bath. I going out to get some lunch. While going outside I have a lightbulb on my hand, trying to chanel lightning chakra without making it exploded or bliping. the channeling is not bad but turning it to lightning is hard.

Ss I walk around south-east part of the village. I see yakiniku-Q. 'lets try eating there.' as I go in I see many of the table is occupied. I'm about to ask table for one, then someone is calling me. "Sasuke-kun" I turn to the place where the voice come from. I see trio ino-shika-cho of this generation with the previous on, and a pink haired girl siting beside blonde one. I walk to them and greet them. "good evening, Nara-san, Inoichi-san, Akimichi-san." I said to the old man here. "Good evening, classmates." I said to my classmate. I hear shikamaru clicking his tongue and mumbled troublesome people.

Inoichi who know me more say "Don't be so formal Sasuke-kun. You can call everyone by their given name. On my right is shikaku and beside him choza. take a sit and join your friend there."

"okay Inoichi-san, I'm Uchiha Sasuke. nice to meet you, Shikaku-san, Choza-san." I said "nice to meet you too." they both said. The old people back to busying them self.

I shamelessly take a sit beside choji.

"hello shikamaru-san, choji-san, Ino, sakura-san. it's a nice day today." shikamaru seem to suspicious of my change. choji just say hi while keep stuffing food. Ino encouraging Sakura to say something. and Sakura is fidgeting try to say it.

"etto, I'm sorry for always bothering you. and about the thing, Ino have explained it to me." Sakura said. "it's okay Sakura-san. No harm done."

"what bring you here Sasuke?" it was shikamaru that ask me. "I'm exploring the village, and I'm hungry so here I'm trying to get lunch" I said as I look at the menu. "what will you recommend to order for me shikamaru?" before he answer me choji interrupt him. "When you here you should try their beef course first. They are tender and have fragrant aroma that arouse your taste bud. If you don't like beef try the pork one they have their unique taste." choji say while his chopsticks keep moving cooking meat.

I take his advice, and ordered as he say.

while waiting I have idle chat with everyone about classes the people in class, their like and dislike.

Everything is so peaceful.