11 I hope everything goes well

*01.17 pm Yakiniku-Q entrance

My food come. I ask choji to help me prepare it, choji glady helping me. I never go to a Yakiniku place before this.

Shikamaru was being Shikamaru. He eating so slow, like even moving his hand to get the chopsticks is a burden.

The girl being girl they talk about hairstyle, cosmetics, diet and wardrobe.

What I found after hanging out with them is that Shikamaru like playing shogi, Choji like cooking, and Sakura like reading novel.

And when I ask are they doing any special training. Shikamaru answer he used his time for watching cloud. Choji just say he always with Shikamaru. Ino say she taking care of the flower already taking much time. As for sakura when she is not with Ino she just in her room studying or reading. And the parents hear what I ask. shikaku say to enjoy more of your time in this peaceful time. Their special training can start when they become genin.

Hearing that I can only nod. I can't say that there outer space life form that can flip mountain with only one hand right. I will be labeled as crazy Uchiha.

After we all done.

I said goodbye to everyone, and thanking them for accompanying me. I continue my journey to the east, with my trusty lightbulb on my hand.

I walk around 'there a clothing store'. Around 'that's a bar there'. Around 'that is genin pulling out weed'. I see a book store with a big best seller sign with arrow pointing at icha-icha tactic. Then I reach an intersection, there a road sign say -road of life- 'i don't want to be lost in there's I chuckle.

I keep exploring the east part of village, until I see a path. There an arrow shaped sign, it's say -Hokage mountain- it's the path for people that not just jump around and climbing their way to the top of hokage mountain.

I follow the path while concentrating on maintaining the lightbulb on my hand. when I reach the top, I see the back head of each hokage statue. I approach the hokage statue, then jump on the top of first hokage head. I sat down on the edge of his head. I look down at the village there's many people doing their thing. Some genin painting fence there. A brown cat with pink ribbon being chased around by genin. Konoha green beast walking with his hand on the middle of the road there.

The village is big, bigger than something you should call village it's as big as a small city, in the history book even say we have nearly hundred thousand population.

Looking pass the village wall what you can see is green, tree is everywhere as a far your eye can see. if only I had camera, this scene is good. it's to expensive to have one. Only photo studio and the village archiver has one. Then something come to me. 'Why not do drawing as hobby, I can put everything in a seal and bring it everywhere. I can do it while waiting for people.'

I get up, I walk to the side of the cliff. I focus chakra on my sole feet. I slide down the cliff using chakra so the sole of my sandals no taking damage to much. reaching the back of hokage office I excuse my self from the Shinobi that guarding the area, looking at me sliding down with indifferent gaze. They shooing me away telling me to play at other place.

'let's buy a sketch book.'

*03.37 pm Uchiha Sasuke house.

I already buy the sketch book. when you buy something new you should use it immediately. I make my way to the pond at my house, let's try this.


I take out a sketch book, and start drawing.

* a few moments later.

"uhh, not so bad, I think" I look at the result. an uneven black and white sketch of the pond and deformed tree around it. 'meh, It just to pass time, nobody gonna judge it.' I seal everything back I will try again later.

I took out my tanto, this time I'm trying to learn the -sword style : splitting moon- this sword style focus on it speed and chakra control to make a crescent shape chakra blade flying in any direction the sword is swinged at. This sword style is made by Uchiha that got 'inspired' by the samurai saber technique, where they can make extension of their sword to any shape.

The creator put an impossible dream as his end note. That dream is to make a crescent blade that able to move so fast and big enough to split the moon itself, that where he use the name splitting moon- came from. Unfortunately that guy already dead before the first ninja war.

I swing the sword as instructed, it need the sword to be fast and also the wielder need to be good at chakra control and chakra flow. I swing it again while paying attention to the chakra flow. I keep training, Until the sun set.

I seal my tanto back, and head back to the house. I get to the bathroom and get the bath I deserve. Go to the kitchen and get something to eat.

I'm in my room, looking at the ceiling. 'after I'm able to maintain lightbulb from turning off or explode. I can upgrade my training to making spark jump from each finger without stinging my self.' imagine throwing lighting without hand seal, but that still a distant future. 'as for my chakra control I need to upgrade it to water walking after I'm able to wall walking without dividing any focus to maintain the chakra on my sole feet.'

I will try maintain a steady schedule of training my body in the dawn, then go to academy. and training my chakra, be that chakra nature or chakra flow after academy.

I hope everything goes well.