12 my academy life is not how it's suppose to be

*3.5 years later

Not everything goes well. For the last three and half year the academy doesn't really teach us anything. They say we will do more practical stuff but it's just a repeat every week.

The partner that you have chose for sparing stay like that until last week.

The sensei doesn't take out their time to fix any problem you have unless you ask them. I always spar with Naruto. I always beat him down, after that I tell him every part of his taijutsu that he do wrong. He feel grateful of my advice but it seem taking longer for him to fix it. It was two years ago that Naruto show improve on his taijutsu. At least, he can hold up longer before I beat him down. On our latest spar he nearly beat me because our fight become fight attrition, he is damned jinchuriki and an Uzumaki at that. In the end he never beat me.

About the throwing weapon I give Naruto. It's seem he really practice the throwing after I give him, he can hit 5 out of 10 target even though it was on the edge of the target. and as his training is making it fruit last week when we did the genin exam he hit all the target, with 7 out of 10 being dead center.

Back about the academy. We never study outside of the academy, they never take us to any training ground that we need to remember the layout from map and book. I need to go to some of that training ground ninja style by myself and familiarize myself with it layout.

In the old syllabus there seem a survival camp, where you need to hunt and survive near the wall of Konoha. But it become a camping on the damn academy instead, and we even had a barbecue there. At that time I thought, is this really what a child soldiers should be. It's not that I hate it, but if they go out during mission they can easily die you know.

There that to you know in the old syllabus, they prepared a rabbit and ask us to kill so we are prepared for blood and gore. There is nothing about that we do in the academy. I need to go out myself and hunt. Trying familiarize with that feeling of my blade and other weapon hitting a flesh and try learn how to make the blood not splashing my way. I did everything alone, it all self-taught. It's no wonder Sakura even yell at Naruto in canon for nearly killing a rabbit.

The only jutsu they teach is 3 kawarimi no jutsu, henge no jutsu, and bunshin no jutsu. The kawarimi no justu is a misdirection jutsu where you make a smoke with handseal and puting something in front of you before you getting hit. it's a good thing to use something that you seal in storage scroll or something around your environment.

Henge no jutsu is coating yourself with chakra then altering your body shape. it's actually altering not disguise or illusion. The prerequisite is that you must really familiarize yourself with the thing you henge. for example if you try to be taller you balance will be distributed, or you want to be an inanimate object, the slightest movement on yourself and chakra can disturb the henge. I really admire Naruto for staying still when he become a fuma shuriken while fighting that guy with big sword.

Like I said before I can still remember some characteristics and event about my previous life but not face and name it's really easy to forgot about people itself.

For bunshin no jutsu it use your chakra to make a shell in form of your self, thats why they are intangible. To make the bunshin you really need just a fraction of your chakra it's so low that even people with lower that genin reserve can do it, as long as they can control their chalra. That why people with higher chakra reserve doesn't actually using bunshin but elemental one or kage bunshin. Because usually people with that much of chakra already chunin, and have access to better jutsu.

And the crazy part is I tried to do kage bunshin no jutsu. As I know the hand seal is only crossing finger. I nearly died of chakra exhaustion 2 year ago, halving a high genin level of chakra suddenly is bad thing to do. As I search for the cause, it look like a Shinobi who is active in using chakra subconsciously using as much a low genin chakra reserve to keep their body functions in unrealistic mannerisms.

That explains why that one eye guy still alive before he use every bit of his chakra to open a space to save Choji in the akatsuki invasion and died after.

It's seem really need a half of jounin chakra reserve to function. At least high chunin reserve to at least make one and not make me nearly died. Why I know is because 3 month ago by my training and prolonged use of sharingan give boost to my chakra reserve every time I depleted it. I have reach the threshold of high chunin chakra reserve and try the kage bunshin again voila kage bunshin pop up, but it can do any strenuous activity or use any chakra. I can still use it to train my calligraphy on writing seal.

for tracking and hiding part of the academy class we just hear lecture and lecture and no practical. Because we never do anything outside the academy itself. For the trap making we just make it, then dismantle it. No testing goddamnit. Fortunately Naruto take the class seriously and do the practical stuff for everyone to see. I just don't understand how could he hide away when he use bright orange color jacket.

As for last week before the exam he, want to paint hokage Statue head. I tell him just color it to become look like a living human, so that you will have an achievement that everyone can see and admire. So he did it, until this moment the hokage statue look like a living person. Everyone seem to be awed by the deed, and Naruto didn't get any punishment but a praise.

and that my academy life unfolded.