14 That how it's gone horribly wrong

Other that going to academy and training I don't forget to enjoy life. sometime I follow Shikamaru and Choji on their cloud watching session. Playing shogi with Shikamaru is honestly a bad experience, he obliterated me on the game.

It's like he already ahead ten or more step than me, and the frustrating fact is he going easy on me. I know because in his winning, he always play so he got a close win. I know it's how he show his consideration for me, but man I feel bad about myself.

Sometimes he invite me to his house, there I meet his mother Yoshino. She tell me to keep an eye out for her son, don't let him be lazy head like his father she say. I chuckle, "Don't worry Yoshino-san, I shall report to you about your son wellbeing while he is outside." we both laughing. While Shikamaru on the side grumble "troublesome people."

Other than that. when I show that i like good food, it make Choji sometime ask me to follow him around hunting good restaurant or some delicious stand. Shikamaru reluctantly limping around following us. Because if he's not coming, I'm gonna telling his mother that he just sleeping and not joining us playing.

When we are on journey to find the glorious food, Kiba join us along the way. I ask him if I can play with Akamaru, he say as long Akamaru doesn't hate it why not. Oh boy that puppy is adorable. Akamaru like jerky so since that time I know that, I always have a seal with jerky inside stored.

I'm curious about how he can talk to Akamaru and understand Akamaru, I find out that was their bloodline power. Other than giving animalistic traits, it give them more way connecting their inner spiritual with animal they always spend their time. It's not from Kiba I know that, but from his sister Hana. Kiba just say, "I don't know I always been able to talk and understand Akamaru". No wonder his academic is on lower spectrum.

There also time when I met Sakura on book store will I'm searching for entertainment. She was into those girly novel about prince and princess. It's not that I hate , it's just not my cup of tea. I don't remember anything significant about her in the past because what I see always she fawning over me. After the reality check she seem changed a bit, she still fawning over me but not so obvious like before. I spend sometime with her talking about book and study, she really like studying. Because of civilian magazine she read she try to dieting, but I advice not to. I tell her, "There are no fat Shinobi other than the Akimichi, because they use calories for their jutsu. Us Shinobi burn more calories than what we take, that why we have special high protein and calories bar for Shinobi." she seem don't believe me. I take out a seal and take out medical book that study about Shinobi physical body. I give it to her, and hope for the best. She will read it later she say. We talk about other thing to sometime, about her friend and the like.

Speaking of her friend it's seem she had a break up with Ino in the past, about getting me and make each other a rival. After the reality check it's seem they back being friend like nothing ever happened. tch woman.

As for Ino we occasionally meet at her store, everytime I get there Inoichi was at home. Maybe protecting her baby daughter so it's not stollen. I sometime drawing the flower that she tend, and her while holding the flower. My drawing improve you know. I don't show her picture to her obviously, I just show the flower drawing.

There is this one guy that always blending with his surrounding and often pop up without notice. Yeah that Shino guy. I tried use chakra sensing on him what I get is, his chakra and other hundred if not thousand little critter inside him or crawling beneath his cloak. ugh that send chill on my back just feeling it, so I opt to not use my chakra sense that often near him.

Speaking of Shino, he talk strange even for me that acting strange to feign the brainw-I mean consoling that I get.

he talk like this "Hello Uchiha-san, please don't step further, and back away slowly. Why, because you will step on this ladybug here if you step further." he just pop up out of nowhere for god sake. And that ladybug is so small how can I pay attention to it while walking to class. It's feel like he is threatening me if not for the second part of his speech.

Finnaly the protagonist of the original story, Naruto Uzumaki. Other than the twice a week spar-more like one side beat down with him. My interactions with him is between the doer and adviser. He do many thing to gain attention, I give him advice to do it and avoid punishment. He doesn't dare to ask anything, I feel like everytime he ask in class then get reprimanded and laughed at took a blow on his physics.

He showed me the seal I gave him before, and look what I just see. He modified it without knowing anything about the basics. Good thing it doesn't exploded on his face, I yell at him for doing something so dangerous. The modification he made is so you can take one section of item at a time not all at once like the simple on I give him.

How the heck this dumbo for brain do this. I ask him how, you know what he say "uhh I feel that was what I should do, it's feel right" while scratching the back of his head. I'm so frustrated, this guy is a genius seal master. Is Uzumaki bloodline give that much of an edge on fuinjutsu. I take out the -sealing for beginners- scroll, give it to him. "study this before you start making crazy seal" I say to him. Looking at his attitude he seem doesn't know how to read that well. "I don't have time to teach you, go ask other or study it yourself. You feel what you did is right, then compare it with what written inside." and that the start of Uzumaki Naruto prank that gone horrible with fuinjutsu added in it.