16 The feeling is mutual.

Everyone arrived at the academy gate. Suddenly Naruto yell, "whoever get there last is the weakest among us!!" and dash forward. I face palm at that, and start running after him. The other quickly followed, Kiba fire up the most and don't want to look weaker than deadlast. Shikamaru being Shikamaru just complained "troublesome blonde". The girl doesn't join our little contest, and just run at low speed after us.

The boys arrived at Yakiniku-Q, with Shikamaru being in last place. I ordered a table for nine, and escorted by the waiter. "Order any set you want. If you feel can't eat all of it, just dump it on Choji. and Choji you can only order two set no more. If I let you order all you want we will be late for afternoon class." I say for everyone to hear. Choji seem a little disappointed.

We all done ordering. As we wait for the food to come, "did any of you know your jounin-sensei?" I ask them. 'actually I can look up shinobi info on bingo book later'. looking at their expression they seems don't know other than Hinata. 'i wonder how she know her sensei.' "You seems want to share something with us Hyuga-san." I ask Hinata fidgeting.

She gather her courage. "Please call me Hinata, Sasuke-san. And yes, I know kurenai-sensei" Hinata say with no stutter, she look like doesn't have any communication problem. 'maybe she is not a shy person' but that though completely obliterated as Naruto come near her. " Wow, how did you know your jounin-sensei already Hinata?" Naruto get closer and Hinata let out a yelp. she start to stutter. "eeh aaahh, Nna-- Naruto-kun. Ku-kku- Kurenai-sensei sensei used to be my care taker. Sh-She was my mother stud~~~" and there goes Hinata all red and fainted. "Naruto bring her to the long bench over there." I say and pull out a pillow and mattress from my seal.

Everyone look at me weirdly, I turn around " What??" I ask them. "why did you have a mattress and pillow In a seal?" they confused. "It's for convenience sake, I put many other thing in other seal. They are easy to carry around. And nobody know when you gonna need something in urgency like right now." I answered them. 'actually this just a way familiarize my self with space-time element.' they seem to accept my answer.

I walk to the owner and ask to use that bench for my friend that fainted, he want to refuse but I say I will pay double for everything we eat. 'I actually rich guy here, the Uchiha asset fall right to my hand. muahahaha' Even if I live extravagantly I still can pay for everything until I'm old.

*a few moments later

Hinata regain her consciousness. I stopped Naruto from going to her and let the girl handle it. The food has come. We eat our fill, 'this atmosphere is always good and enjoyable, everything will change after this day.'

*at the same time on other place.

*Kakashi Pov

I read the file of my soon to be another genin candidate. 'This one is Minato-sensei son. The file say his personality is like Kushina-san, and more of an attention seeker.' I look at the now colored fourth hokage statue that look like it alive. 'sensei, I'm sorry I tried my best to protect him from the shadow. But I can't be the big brother figure you want me to be.' I inhale I big chunk of air and sigh.

Next is the last loyal Uchiha, 'what is this report, how can this be his personality after the incident. This doesn't make any sense, did Hokage do the thing he want me to do back in the day. Another problem child' I sigh again.

And the last one, 'a civilian girl with higher than normal intelligent, average physical ability, personality diligent and obedient.' at least this one normal.

I walk away, slowly heading to third training ground.


*04.07 pm Konoha academy, class 6A

"where is our sensei, it's already been three hours. Even Iruka-sensei left us here." Naruto complaining. This was what my hobby are for, I just drawing any scenery outside be it bird, tree, training ground, and other younger student soon to be genin. "calm down, Naruto" Sakura said. I think she is burning too inside.

Naruto walk to the door want to put the eraser between the door. I stopped him. "Do you think jounin will fall for that, draw a trigger seal which connect to an ejecting one, with a storage inside. You dumb. and Sakura give him your cheap and hard to erase make up powder and those pink glitter you like to play with."

I laid out plan to prank the hell out off this lazy ass guy. Sakura flinch a bit that I know about her stuff. I'm a shinobi obviously I gathered information about people around me. Naruto chuckle at the prospect of his master piece and start doing it.

I wait around an feel a chakra signature coming from the academy gate, walking slowly here. "Naruto act as if we don't know anything, and look outside. so if he come we don't see the trap happening and can mock him for his taste of appearances. You to Sakura."

I tell them. "Wow you're so evil Sasuke"

Naruto agrees with me. "is this really okay Sasuke-kun??" Sakura not sure of this. "it's okay Sakura, this is just little harmless prank. Against a person that make us wait for nothing for three hours." Upon my reminder of waiting for three hours, Sakura eager to find the results and looks outside the window too.

As Kakashi open the door, I heard the sound we all waiting for.

*poof * pssshhh

We wait for a moment the turn our head around, what awaiting us is white masked man with white skin face on right side, a white hitae-ate, a white hair with pink glitter on his hair. "pffft, hahahahhaha" Naruto the first one to broke out his laughter. I laughed to with Sakura. " hahahaha, is it snowing outside, my eye can't look at this, it's burning cold." I react dramatically.

Kakashi do his eye smile " my first impression of you guy's, I hate you." before he say his next piece three of us say "the feeling is mutual sensei." his white powdered eye twitch a bit. "meet me at the rooftop." he say and shunsin away.