Chapter 31

After I Apparated to my manor I called my house elf Rickey and gave him my trunk after unshrinking and opening it," Rickey, take the trunk and unpack my stuff. I will be living here from now on, so buy all necessities and grocery accordingly, take the galleons to buy them from my trunk. Also, clean up the house I own in London."

" Rickey be doing as master says" he replied happily and popped away.

I am having him clean up my house in London because I want to keep my Manor secret under a fidelius charm and I will be meeting everyone there.

I checked the security of my Manor and tested the wards. While wards were good and befitting the Manor of a Most Ancient and Noble house, they still lacked in my eyes. Though I will be keeping it under fidelius, more and better wards won't hurt( Hey, it's not paranoia if you know that a war is about to happen).

As a master in wards, I am quite good at warding. I searched for the Manor's wardstone and updated the wards around the Manor after finding it. At last, when I was satisfied, I put the Manor under the fidelius charm.

After I was done with the manor, I Apparated to my London house. It was a big and beautiful house with a garden. Though, not as good as my Manor, its still magnificent. It is good enough for people to believe that I live here, which is exactly what I will tell them. Until I and Tonks are in a serious relationship, I will also tell her that I live here. I am going to all this trouble because if anyone tried to destroy my home while I am absent, I won't lose the Manor. If people think that they already know where I live, they won't try to find my Manor i.e. my real home.

Now for the security, while the wards for manor were somewhat acceptable, wards here are just shit. I quickly found the wardstone and rectified the error. I put the best wards I know around the house. I didn't put this house under fidelius, because it will defeat the main purpose.

After I was satisfied with the security of the house, I went inside and told Rickey to make this house liveable and buy toiletries and groceries for here too. I made the master bedroom here my secondary room after my primary room at manor since I might need to actually spend some time here as per the situation.

Next day, at evening I Apparated to Muggle side of the leaky cauldron, at 5:55 pm, exactly five minutes before my date with Tonks. She arrived a few minutes later. She was as dressed in a beautiful Muggle dress.

" Hi, Tonks, you look beautiful" I complimented.

She really did look beautiful but I, on the other hand, felt like an asshat for dressing in robes.

I quickly rectified this error by taking out my wand and silently Transfigured my robes into jeans and shirt.

" Hey, you didn't need to do that, I just like wearing Muggle clothes off duty since I have to wear Auror robes all day." She replied looking amused.

Shit, here I thought that she wanted to go for our date in Muggle London. Transfiguring them back now will look bad. No, this could be a good thing, bet as a pureblood she thinks I don't have any Muggle knowledge. It could be my chance to impress her since her father is a Muggleborn and he should have shown her around in Muggle neighborhood.

" No, actually since we are going to Muggle side for our date, I planned to do it anyway." I replied confidently.

" Are you sure?" she didn't look sure. I guess I was right about her thinking that I am ignorant about Muggle things like other Pureblood wizards, since even Weasley's are ignorant, even after having a reputation for being Muggle loving.

Now, where to take her? Since she's an Auror, she must be adventurous, so Amusement park it is. Those dangerous rides should provide her with enough adrenaline. Thinking this I extended my hand and Apparated us both to an amusement park I know in London.

" wow, that was the smoothest Apparition I have ever had in my life. How did you do that? There was like no squeezing." She asked excitedly.

" I didn't like getting squeezed every time I Apparated, so I learned to 'enlarge the tunnel' by spending more magic. It takes more magic but it's comfortable. I can teach it to you too sometimes if you want." I replied calmly.

She looked very excited and said," I will hold to that promise."

Wow, she must have really hated Apparation for her to be this excited.

Next couple of hours we spent on various rides. After the amusement park, I took her to a 5-star hotel for our dinner.

After dinner, we came out of the hotel and simply walked together in a neighborhood park for a while. After some time she said, " I enjoyed our date very much, I have never been to Muggle side for a date before, it was very nice especially the rides. But it's getting late, I should be going home now, I have my Auror duties tomorrow morning."

I leaned my head in and kissed her. She heatedly reciprocated. After we separated from our kiss to breathe, I said," Alright, meet you at the same place tomorrow, for our next date?"

" You bet." She replied before Apparating.