Chapter 33

#### Day of the 3rd task ####

I am currently at Hogwarts for the 3rd task. All four champions are currently present. I have already made all the preparations. Not to win but to fight Voldemort in front of all his minions to tell them that I am not someone to mess with. As Voldemort is going to call all of his inner circle death eaters and as I am sure Dumbledore will watch the memory of Snape and Harry to know what exactly happened, in his pensieve, all major players are going to see some extent of my true strength. But I will not show all my strength and keep my Shadow abilities secret. I have already placed some one-way mirrors with self destruct runes, in the cemetery around Tom Riddle Senior's grave, where the Ritual is going to take place. This way I am going to monitor everything that's going to happen and make my entrance at the right time.

When it was about time for the task to start, Bagman explained the rules and the sequence we will enter the maze, as per our previous scores. Harry was first, then me, then Krum and lastly Fleur. A loud blast of canon signed the start of task and Harry ran straight into the maze. After a few seconds blast sounded again and I ran straight towards the maze. When I came inside, all the sounds disappeared and there was total silence. I turned into my falcon animagus form and started to fly due to which I could see the entire maze. I could even see the Triwizard cup at the center. If I wanted to win, I could just fly straight to it and win in seconds. But I know that it is a portkey straight to the cemetery. My plan is to let Harry win so that Voldemort could obtain his body and rise again. After some time I saw Krum and after him, Fleur enters the maze. Due to good eyesight of falcon, I could see that Krum is already under the imperious curse of fake moody when he started to attack Fleur. I let him do so since I could use treating Fleur's injuries as an excuse to reach the Triwizard cup late. Since Krum ambushed Fleur, she was seriously wounded. After she got injured, I quickly transformed back and stunned Krum. I assessed Fleur's injuries, she was in a critical state but nothing I couldn't easily handle as I have a mastery in Healing. I slowly and carefully treated her with many spells, without any potions since I didn't have any and once she was stabilized, I treated her further and cast many other spells which will slowly heal all wounds without leaving any scars. In one day there wouldn't even be a single scar left, but for now, she needs rest. I fired a sphere of red light from my wand to let them collect both Krum and Fleur.

After that was done, I made my way towards the Triwizard cup. When I reached there, the cup was gone. Seems like Harry already got portkeyed to the cemetery. I pulled out a mirror and started to look at it. I saw that Voldemort was already up and about, insulting Harry and forcing Harry for a duel. Death eaters were watching from the side. After a few moments, Voldemort hit Harry with a Cruciatus curse and Harry was on the ground, writhing in pain.

That was my cue, I channeled my magic and scanned the area for magical residue for the previous portkey and quickly found it. I traced the signature and portkeyed myself by latching onto it. I did so because I wanted a reason for me to go there. I could just later say that I thought portkey would take me to the stage of the competition since officially cup was a made a portkey to do so. Like this, I could feign ignorance later since I am sure that Dumbledore could and would scan the area and confirm my story later.

True to the plan, I was portkeyed to the cemetery and Said out loud after looking around," Well, looks like I am in the wrong place since it doesn't look anything like the stage of the competition."

Everyone's attention was on me since I purposely portkeyed very loudly.

"You, I recognize you. You are that mongrel that gave me bundles of Homework to check when I was possessing Quirrel. You will pay for that." Voldemort said very heatedly.

Huh? What the hell. He is still holding a grudge for that little matter. Sure, I gave him a bit extra bundles than Snape every time, but that was only because I was seriously very annoyed with his stuttering. He was just so annoying that I just couldn't help myself. Also, I knew he won't break his disguise until he gets the Philosopher stone and will leave the school when confronted with Harry at the end of the year.

" Seriously, you are still holding a grudge for a little matter which was like years ago. To think a feared Dark Lord would whine like a little bitch, just for having to check a few parchments of homework, in front of his minions no less. Dude, I don't know about you but I am embarrassed for you." I said while mocking him.

I noticed that one of the death eaters, had one of his eye twitching madly under the mask when I said,' a few parchments of homework'. I see, looks like Snape also made it here like I expected.