Chapter 38

Later that day, I went to Bones Manor with Tonks via Floo. Madam Bones was sitting inside the living hall, waiting for us. There were two Aurors present as her bodyguards.

When I saw her, I greeted," Hello Madam Bones, Thank you for meeting on such short notice."

She stood up and greeted me back," Hello, Lord Canis, it's good to finally meet you. I didn't realize that you would be bringing company." She then looked at Tonks and said, "Auror Tonks, what are you doing here?"

" Ah, She's my girlfriend. I am sorry to bring her without prior notification, But, it was a spontaneous decision." I told her apologetically.

" It's quite alright. Now then, I believe it's time for us to get started." She said while motioning her bodyguards to go outside.

Soon, we three were the only ones present in the room.

I started," Madam Bones, I am sure that you have already heard the rumors about Voldemort rising back up during 3rd task of Triwizard tournament. I am sorry to inform you that they are indeed true and I have seen him alive personally, We even exchanged a few spells. I am going to give you my memory of that event to you as evidence to prove my claim." As I said this, I took out a phial in which I already stored a copy of my memory and gave it to her.

She took the phial and said," But how is this possible for the Dark Lord to rise again. Everyone thought that he died on that Halloween night, years ago."

" I don't know how, yet. But he is surely back. I believe you should first see the memory yourself before we continue our conversation further." I stated.

" Alright then, I have a personal pensieve here at Manor. I suppose I could see the memory first since you clearly believe that it is prudent for me to do so." She said and stood up.

She left the room for a couple of minutes and came back with a pensieve. She then took out the memory from phial and put it in pensieve. After that, she started to watch the memory at the desk where she put the pensieve.

After she was done watching it she came back and sat down at her original seat.

" You were right, Dark Lord has indeed come back. Not only that but even has his inner circle death eaters back with him. Though I must say, it was quite a fight, Lord Canis, I knew you were knowledgeable and powerful, but I had no idea you were strong enough to fight the Dark Lord himself." She complemented and continued, "Anyway, I would love to start preparing ministry for the upcoming war and warn everyone about the Dark Lord, but the problem is that minister Fudge is convinced otherwise. If I were to start preparing Aurors for battle, he will surely know. If that were to happen, he might take some drastic measures to stop me." She said with a frown.

"I believe you can do something else to prepare until Voldemort is seen publicly and everyone has no choice but to believe that he is returned. If that were to happen, I am sure Fudge will be booted from his seat." I replied confidently.

" And what would this 'something else' be that you would want me to do." She asked.

" Yes, I don't see what else we can do without secretly opposing the death eaters and Dark Lord himself." Said Tonks regretfully.

" Well, I am sure that there are traitors and death eater sympathizers in the ministry. Until you can overtly prepare for war, I believe getting rid of these moles would be the best use of your time." I replied confidently.

" And how would I go about doing this, Lord Canis. The ones working at ministry don't have death eaters mark and I can't exactly force Veritaserum down everyone's throats, no matter how much I want to do so." She asked curiously.

"No, but we can take advantage of the situation. I believe it's time for minister Fudge to be useful. Since he is convinced that Dumbledore is after his position, you just need to take advantage of this fact. You can just show him false support to let him think that you are on his side and tell him that there are Dumbledore's people in the ministry, spying for him( which is true, order members are indeed present, spying for Dumbledore). You just need to convince him that for him to protect his position from Dumbledore, he needs those spies rooted out of ministry. When Fudge authorizes you to do so, you can legally start to take action and remove the death eater supporters from the ministry. I believe you should start from DMLE and DOM to root out spies from Aurors and unspeakable. You can then use them to secure other Departments." I explained.

" That's actually a great idea. You can start with Aurors you think are trustworthy and test their loyalty using Veritaserum and then they can help you further identify the moles and get rid of them. I am even willing to personally submit under Veritaserum and then help you." Said Tonks enthusiastically.

"The idea indeed has merit. But Veritaserum could be cheated by master Occlumans. Actually we can stun the unsuspecting and unprepared target, use confundus charm along with Veritaserum before reviving them, this way even master Occlumans would not be able to fake it and tell lies since they won't be able to prepare beforehand (not me since I have too much Magical strength and since my occlumancy barrier encloses my core, my barriers will still hold strong even if this method is used on me, but aside from me, Dumbledore and Voldemort, this method will work on everyone else since they do not have high amounts of magic like us). We can then use obliviate charm to change their memories to keep our interrogation secret from others. I could use the excuse for a promotion opening to get one on one interviews with Aurors, without any suspicion. After I am done with them, I can begin with other Departments. I believe head Unspeakable should be able to handle his Department, DOM." She thought out loud.