The Lord of Soulblood

"So, you are the ones who have defeated my guards, I am impressed," He laughed, "But your luck stops now, vampires, get rid of these idiots!" The vampires and their servants jumped down. Gold held Miia with his hand, pressing her against him and lifted his hand straight up in the air.

"Tier 10, cast Holy Smite," A massive ball of light gathered above his hand and rose above them, "Tier 8, cast Major Block," A small barrier built around them. The ball gained size and then split and created a ring of light around the room. The ring filled and a massive beam shot down to the floor. The barrier held for a few moments and then the beam went through. Gold threw Miia below him and covered her, protecting her from the beam. Once the beam had finished, he rolled off of her and sat up. The arena was littered with charred corpses, burned by the light. The leader seemed a little annoyed, yet he began clapping and laughing.

"Impressive, impressive," He said as the three lords jumped down, "How about this? Let's see how far your power goes. Kill him!" The three lords had different skills, one drew two swords, one of them was a magic caster and the other had both a sword and a spell, "Let's see how much power you really have," Gold stood in front of Miia as she was still out on the floor. The warrior vampire jumped forwards and swung his blades at Gold, who rolled out of the way and picked up Miia, and placed her on his shoulder. He held out his hand and cast another spell. A ball of lightning formed in his hand and a volley of arrows flew at the vampires as he moved back dodging the spells that the vampires sent at him. He grit his teeth and summoned the Holy Overseer but didn't use it for any offense. He placed Miia in its arms and it flew higher in the room away from the vampire attacks. He cracked his neck and began casting spells.

"Tier 8, cast Major Strength, Tier 7, cast Mixed Armor, Tier 6, cast Thick Skin," He gained several auras of defense as the vampires attempted to hit him, "Tier 8, cast Soul Shatter," His arm glowed with a dark aura. The warrior vampire jumped forwards and brought his sword down towards Gold. Gold dodged to the side and grabbed the vampire's throat as the vampire brought his blade down. He slammed him onto the floor. The black aura moved from his hand and covered the vampire as he slowly died. He got up, leaving a black, lifeless corpse at his feet. He got up and walked towards the spell caster. The other vampire tried to stab him in the back, "Tier 5, cast Banshee's Scream," An earsplitting screech sounded in his ears. The vampire dropped his blade and fell to the floor, covering his ears. Gold lifted his hand towards the vampire mage, "Tier 9, cast Coffin of Flames," A ring of fire lit around the vampire and rose around her. She screamed as the flames whirled around her and slow closed completely. He heard her screams die and then turned to the other vampire, who was still holding his ears on the floor as blood dripped down from his ears, Gold leaned down, "Tier 3, cast Lightning Arrow," He placed his hand above the vampire's head and an arrow of lightning flew through his head, ending his suffering. His body went limp and Gold turned around and noticed that the Holy Overseer was gone and so was Miia. He turned when he heard the leader laughing, he was holding Miia, still unconscious.

"Looking for her?" He laughed, "You humans are so weak, attached to something and you must be angry, you know, if I were in your position and someone had my girlfriend like this, wow, I would be pissed," Gold took a step forwards, he held a blade to Miia's throat, "Now, now, mask man, you stay right there and let me finish, so where was I? Ah yes, I wonder what reptilian blood tastes like, maybe I could try a bit, it would be a pity if she became a vampire, no?" Gold lifted his hand, "If you hit me, you kill her, so I would put that hand of yours back down, you wouldn't want her to die, would you know?" Gold lowered his hand, "Ha, as I thought, now, I need to taste her blood," Gold lifted his hand once more.

"Tier 10, cast Holy Smite!" He shouted as a ball flew towards the vampire and Miia, "Forgive me, Miia, hopefully I can save you afterwards," The ball formed into a ring, then filled in. The vampire was laughing as the spell was forming, he probably thought Gold would stop the cast. The beam shot down causing the vampire to scream as he was banished from the earth. Gold rushed up to the throne of the vampire and found a charred corpse and Miia's unconscious body. He ran to her and shoved the corpse out of the way. She had nearly no heartbeat. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He said as he held her head close to his. She was still alive but barely, "Tier 7, cast Major Healing," His arm glowed with a white aura and he placed it over her chest. The aura disappear into her but nothing changed, he tried it again, but nothing happened, "Tier 9, cast Remove Pain," Her body glowed but still nothing changed. Gold had no other spell to use to try to save her. He leaned forwards over her face. Her heartbeat was slower than before. He removed his mask and a tear fell from his cheek onto her. He moved her face towards her and pressed his lips onto hers. This was his last attempt, she was alive but unconscious. He felt her heartbeat increase slowly as he kissed her. He held her for longer and then her heartbeat returned to a normal pace. She opened her eyes slowly and then realized what was going on. Her heartbeat was going faster than normal. She began blushing and didn't know if she wanted to continue or make him stop. She moved her hands around to his back and pulled him towards her. As soon as she did that, Gold moved away from her and sighed, "You are still alive," He said as he put his mask back on, "Are you okay? Do you feel pain somewhere or anything?"

"No, I don't know what happened, master," She said feeling herself, "Um, I just remember you throwing yourself on top of me and a massive beam of light and then nothing else, what happened, master?"

"I am so happy you survived," He hugged her tightly, "I don't know what I would do without you," She blushed and hugged him, "You got hit with two Holy Smite spells."

"Why was there a second one master?"

"Because this guy wanted to taste your blood and make you a vampire, I didn't want to deal with you as a vampire," He said as he brushed through her hair, "Let's get going, it should be morning soon."

"O-okay," Her face was bright red as he put the collar around her neck, "Master, will you reward me?" He said nothing and pet her head, "Forgive me for causing you troubles, master."

"Don't worry about that," He said as he picked up the body of the vampire leader, "Can you cut through his neck for me?" She slashed his neck and Gold picked up the head and grabbed the chain, "Let's go back and show them what we have accomplished."

"Y-yes master, um," He turned to her, "I had a question, how do I ask this?"

"What is it?" Gold said as they walked up the path as the sun rose above them as they headed to the town that they had saved, "You can ask me anything."

"Did you like kissing me, master?" Gold could hide his actual reaction under his mask, "Like you held on even after I woke up, master," He hesitated and thought of his answer, "Master? Can you answer me please?"

"Um, I wanted to, um, see how you reacted, you understand?" Gold stammered an answer. She didn't know if he was serious but she nodded and didn't bring it up again. They walked back to the town and soon they arrived near the town. The guards noticed them and called for the chief and opened the gates. The entire village was awake and there to greet them. They were greeted like heroes. The chief was hurried to meet them. She bowed in front of them and the rest of the town did as well. He lifted her back to her feet and bowed along with Miia and presented her the head of the vampire lord. She gestured to the blacksmith and the blacksmith walked forwards and grabbed the head. She leaned forwards and told him something that Gold couldn't hear.

"Thank you for what you have done for me and for the town," She said as Gold rose to his feet, "Follow me, I will talk reward with you."

"Yes, my lady," He said as they followed her through the crowd and through the cheers. Everyone bowed as they passed.