Miia's Reward

They entered the throne room and walked into the room that they had talked about the cave and the vampires. She sat on the table with a smile that Gold didn't like. She crossed her legs and leaned back onto her hands. The guard left the room and closed the door. A pair of ram horns appeared on the side of her head, a pair of wings stretched from her lower back along with a tail with a small arrow tip. She removed her cape revealing her shoulders and smiled at Gold.

"A succubus," Gold smiled calmly, "I wonder what you want to get from me, what ever could it be?"

"What kind of black magic bullshit is this?" She said looking shocked, "How are you not falling at my feet already? What are you? You must have a strong love for someone to not fall for me."

"I just have a strong force of will, funny question coming from you," He laughed, "What time can we meet?"

"Oh, um, well, I have a room for both of you here, if you want to stay the day and rest," She said as her horns disappeared along with her tail and she hid her wings, putting on her cape, "Um, follow me," Miia glared at Gold as they walked out of the room, "It is next to mine, but I think that it is, um, fitting for such, um, an occasion."

"I thought it was supposed to be the guys talking to a succubus that were nervous, not the other way around," He joked making her blush, "This is the first time I see a nervous succubus."

"You are making it worse," She said shyly, "Um, here is the room, I think it is done, but I am not sure," They walked into a large room. There were two beds, a large one and a smaller one. Gold walked over and sat down on the larger bed. Miia crawled over and sat down at his feet and rubbed against him, "Um, what time do you want to meet? Like tonight?"

"Sure, I think I will be here for most of the day, so yeah, any time you want," He said as he pet Miia, "I wonder if this bed is comfortable for tonight," He smiled under his mask as she blushed even more, "I am sorry, what is your name? I just call you my lady, but I would like to know your name."

"M-my name? I am Katie, Katie Silverfang," She was still bright red as a guard walked into the room, "Knocking isn't an option?"

"Forgive me, my lady, the townsfolk want to organize a small feast for noon to celebrate the defeat of the vampires, they were asking if the party would be staying."

"We are staying, for a little while at least," Gold said from the bed, "Maybe a day," The guard bowed towards him and turned and left the room. Miia growled when Katie locked the door and walked towards Gold. She sat on his lap and put her arms around him. He laughed and she looked at him puzzled.

"You will find my face hideous, even a succubus can't ignore this face," He removed his mask and revealed the face he had been hiding from her. She scanned his face and still seemed turned on by him, "I guess the scars and the scales aren't things that turn you off, but I promised something for Miia, so maybe later?" He said as he put her next to him on the bed and kissed her cheek, she smiled at him and skipped out of the room. Gold got up and looked outside, "Miia, get on the bed and lie down, time for what you asked, we have a little time."

"Wh-what did I ask for, master?" She slowly began to panic, "D-did I d-do something bad?" She said as he walked over to the bed and laid down near her and moved his hands behind her back, "M-master! Wh-what are y-you d-doing?" She stammered as he untied the knot that held her shirt, "M-master!" She covered her chest. Gold leaned forwards and kissed her. Her eyes were wide open with surprised as he moved his tongue into her mouth. Her cheeks were bright red and she pushed against him. She was breathing heavily and she still looked surprised. Gold leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear.

"This is the reward I promised," She suddenly looked eager and cheerful, "Do you want this reward, Miia?" She nodded and pulled him back into a kiss. He smiled and pushed his tongue into her mouth and moved his hand down and played with her boobs. She stopped kissing and moved her head back and opened her mouth and squealed. He continued to play with her and moved his mouth down, and began licking her boobs. She moaned even more and pulled him closer. He moved his one of his hands down her body and slid it into her shorts and began playing with her. She moaned and squealed, "Do you like this?" He said as she moaned and squeal as he moved his fingers into her and moved them around. She nodded weakly and he moved his head down and pulled off her extremely short shorts. He moved his head down and began licking her. She let out a high pitch moan as he played with his tongue inside of her, her hips moved off of the bed, closer to him. He stopped and rose to his knees. He smiled as she looked down over her. Her cheeks were red, her tongue was hanging out of her open mouth and she was panting heavily. He got up and put on his mask. He put her clothes next to her and sat down at the table of the room and pulled out his spell book and started reading through his spells. Miia sat up on the bed and got dressed.

"Master, thank you," She said weakly as she put on her clothes, "Master, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course Miia."

"Did you like it? Did you like rewarding me, master?"

"Oh, well, I guess it made you happy, so yeah, I am happy that I made you happy," He said turning to face her, "Let's go for a walk around the town, there should be a feast soon, so you will be able to eat more than what we normally eat."

"You make me sound fat, master," She blushed, "I know I eat a lot, don't remind me, please," She got up and put on her collar, "When are we leaving, master?"

"We might as well just go now," He said as he got up and took the end of the chain, "Actually, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, master?"

"Can you not disturb me tonight? Just stay in your bed and try to ignore it," He said as they walked out of the room, "Can you do that?"

"Yes, master, but you barely know her."

"A succubus is a chance that I don't want to miss," He laughed, "They hide in the crowd and target certain people because of physical or other traits, I think that she isn't too bad either," She looked depressed and walked silently, "But, this would be a onetime thing, nothing else," This made her less sad, but still she would have wanted to take Katie's spot. They walked towards the main square where the towns folks were setting up tables and benches for the feast they had organized. Gold sat down on one of the benches and Miia sat on her knees in front of him, "You know you could just stand and walk like me, you know that right?" She nodded and didn't get up, "I guess you could just stay like that," He removed her collar and she looked at him puzzled, "You don't need this all the time, this is starting to get weird," She rubbed her neck and leaned against Gold. He pet her head and she rubbed against him. A man walked up to them and knelt in front of them, bowing.

"Thank you sir, for saving our town from the vampires," He looked up at them, "I was happy to hear that you returned and had killed those hideous creatures, thank you."